Why Countries Collapse: Exorbitant Debt, Energy Sector Problems, Corrupt Political Systems, Delusional Elites

Dr. Paul Craig Robert, The Herland Report, 3/24

Dmitry Orlov and Vladimir Putin believe the US is failing, because the US government, in Putin’s words, is “making sure-footed strides directly along the path of the Soviet Union.”

These strides are, in Orlov’s words: “exorbitant debt, problems in the energy sector and unreformable political systems mired in corruption, their elites delusional in their feelings of omnipotence. And now comes a truly eerie analogy: the powder keg that detonated under the USSR was ethnic nationalism and separatism; and the powder keg that is currently detonating under the US is “woke” (anti-)racism: another brand of ethnic fascism but with American characteristics.”

I don’t deny that these problems afflicted the Soviet Union and afflict the US today.  Certainly, such problems, if not successfully dealt with, could bring about failure.

This writes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy, former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, and a well known author of many books. He is also a regular contributor to the Herland Report news site as well as our TV interviews on YouTube. He has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He has been awarded the Treasury Department’s Meritorious Service Award for “his outstanding contributions to the formulation of United States economic policy.”

Dr. Roberts writes on why Countries Collapse: However, in my view the Soviet Union collapsed because the belief system collapsed.  The United or Disunited States is collapsing for the same reason, as is all of the Western World.  Whether Russia joins this collapse as well remains to be seen.

The Soviet Union collapsed because communism did not produce the plenty that it promised, or the freedom, and frustrated communist reformers were sick of the system.  

Dissidents were punished, at times severely, and propaganda was used to control the narrative as it is used today in the US.  The remaining threads of belief were cut when hardline elements in the Communist Party placed President Gorbachev under house arrest.

In the Western world the destruction of belief has been underway for many decades.  The French novelist Jean Raspail captured the collapse of Western belief and its consequences in his novel, The Camp of the Saints, 48 years ago in 1973.

The collapse is clearly visible today. The French, the Germans, the British, the Scandinavians cannot resist the dark-skinned immigrant-invaders that are are finally conquering Western Christianity with Islam.

Why Countries Collapse:  German belief in themselves and their country was destroyed by American control of their educational system since 1945. Germans are indoctrinated with the belief that their country is shameful, responsible for heinous acts supported by the German people.

Any manifestation of German pride or any defense of German ethnicity against immigrant-invaders is treated as a manifestation of Nazism.

In Britain assorted intellectuals and university professors have damned the British for their colonialism.  Generation by generation the attack has eroded away British belief in their country.

Today “the privileged few,” the students at Magdalen College, Oxford University, are “uncomfortable” with a portrait of Queen Elizabeth in their common room and have removed the image of the Queen of England from their presence.  Quite clearly, the disassociation of the privileged few from their country is extreme.  How must the down and out feel?

In France the only politician who represents French ethnicity is Marine Le Pen, but the French ethnics will not elect the only politician who believes in a French nationalist state based on French ethnicity.  When the Establishment is not trying to arrest her, they are calling her a nazi. So, if you are French and you stand for French people, you are a nazi.  If patriotism still exists, it has been removed from association with French ethnicity.

In the now throughly Disunited States, split not north and south but red and blue, in the blue states white Americans are regarded as systemic racist oppressors of blacks and perpetrators of genocide of the native tribes.  There is much talk of paying restitution, but the emphasis now is on eliminating “whiteness.”

For the extremists, this means killing off the whites.  You can see the flavor here. For others it means eliminating Western culture.

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1 thought on “Why Countries Collapse: Exorbitant Debt, Energy Sector Problems, Corrupt Political Systems, Delusional Elites”

  1. It would be hard to discuss all the above without having it turn into a full length magazine article, so I’ll just pick one item of discussion.
    I would dismiss nearly every leader on grounds of their poor character content. Due to their poor characters, they make poor choices based on racial preferences rather than on the character content of others.
    They’re never going to resolve any differences based on race because of the poor characters of all involved. They can’t even decide what’s right and wrong, good and evil, or even male and female!
    They’re all being an unfunny joke.

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