Prayer for the Lost

” young conservatives arriving on campus are as morally relative as liberals. While a liberal faculty certainly promotes the idea that “good” is a relative term defined by the individual and the only “bad” is to infringe on another person’s ability to express their own version of “good,” the battle for conservatism was lost long before students ever met their first college professor. In my experience, said Garbarino, freshmen arrive on campus as moral relativists. (Collin Garbarino, “Moral Relativists in the University: They Aren’t Who You Think They Are, The Aquila Report, August 24, 2014)

In other words, it’s Christian and Jewish parents who impress their own moral relativism upon their children.   So what does this say about American churches and synagogues they attend? 

With the loss of immutable truth our age has transformed into a darkly twisted, violently, obscenely, and nihilistically inverted time in which the things that everyone—including many Christians– really know to be true, good, decent, and right, are treated as unheard of, intolerant, victimizing, judgmental, hateful, bigoted, anti-science and evolution, backward, stupid, narrow-minded, moronic, alarmist, divisive, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and transphobic because the prevailing climate is one of moral relativism. Moral relativism is rebellion against authority. It is also nihilism–death of Lord Jesus, Truth and meaning. Thus, for example, a majority of Americans, both Christian and secular pagan, deny there is any absolute truth, especially when it comes to matters of personal and private sin since they do not sin. This penetrating darkness is even deeper in Europe where most people have a live-and-let-live attitude, and voice relativistic opinions like, “What is right for you may not be right for me, and what is right for me may not be right for you.”

Great. numbers of lost souls wander through the swirling darkness over the West and America.. Let us go to our merciful Lord in prayer for all who are lost in our dying homeland and a world gone insane. Let us pray for lost souls standing on the edge of the abyss, that they may come to the Light of Christ and be saved:

Dear Heavenly Father, our darkened land is filled with lies and deceit so we humbly come before You, the Fount of all Truth, Light, and Salvation, lifting up all souls walking in darkness… lost, confused and unable to see the Truth You have revealed to us from on high through Your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. 

We humbly pray that You would open the eyes of the lost and soften their hearts so they might know the Truth and the Truth shall set them free. (John 8:32) Please Lord, send them your Holy Spirit of truth to guide them to the Light of Christ Jesus. Give them discernment, merciful Father, that they can recognize the lies and deceptions of the enemy that have captured their minds. 

May Your Spirit fill them with a hunger for Your word and a desire to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. May they come to see that Lord Jesus is the only Way, Truth, and Life (John 14:6) and surrender their lives to the Lord, accepting the gift of salvation You have freely offered to all who believe. May they experience the peace that only comes from knowing You Lord Jesus, and the joy that comes from being in Your presence.

We pray all of these things in the Name of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ, the Crucified Risen Christ. Amen


1 thought on “Prayer for the Lost”

  1. I extend a heartfelt ‘AMEN’ to this prayer. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to The Holy Spirit and to no others.

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