UN Seeks to Decriminalize Child Sex, Sex Work, and Abortion

by Ken Ham on April 24, 2023, Ken Ham Blog

No, I am not exaggerating or being salacious with the headline for today’s blog. The United Nations organization really does want sex with minors (they give no age limit to what a minor means!), sex work (including “pimping” out women and men), and abortion completely decriminalized. All this, and more, in the name of so-called “human rights.” It’s the depravity of man on display for the world to see.

In a recent report (which took five years to complete), a panel of jurists, along with the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), released their “8 March Principles,” a guidance that seeks:

to offer a clear, accessible and workable legal framework – as well as practical legal guidance – on applying the criminal law to conduct associated with: sexual and reproductive health and rights, including termination of pregnancy; consensual sexual activities, including in contexts such as sex outside marriage, same-sex sexual relations, adolescent sexual activity and sex work; gender identity and gender expression; HIV non-disclosure, exposure or transmission; drug use and the possession of drugs for personal use; and homelessness and poverty.

Yes, this is real. You can read the report for yourself. But here are a few highlights (or “lowlights,” really).

Decriminalize Abortion

In our depraved culture that views unborn children as property that can be made or discarded at will, it’s no surprise that the UN wants everyone to permit the murder of unborn children (something many nations already do). In Principle 15 they state:

Criminal law may not proscribe [prohibit] abortion.

In their view, women should have the absolute right to kill their child at any time before the baby is born and suffer absolutely no legal consequences. And not only should the woman be free of all legal consequences, but they also believe those who provide abortions should also be free from criminal or legal accountability.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what the United Nations believes. Those who seek an abortion and those who provide an abortion—the killing of an innocent child—no matter the level of development or age of the child are accountable before God for their sin. They may not suffer criminal consequences here on earth for their destruction of human life, but they will face justice when they stand before the Judge of the universe. Oh, that everyone would repent and turn to Christ, who paid the price for sinners—no matter the sin—when he died on the cross! Yes, there is mercy, grace, and forgiveness in Christ Jesus.

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2 thoughts on “UN Seeks to Decriminalize Child Sex, Sex Work, and Abortion”

  1. Pingback: UN Seeks to Decriminalize Child Sex, Sex Work, and Abortion | Headline of the Day

  2. This would make Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous island into something like Disney’s Magic Kingdom – “Indulge your sexual lusts guilt free, and we’ll even destroy your unwanted progeny!”.

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