The Thought Police are Here

Did you ever notice that the Global War on Terror no longer exists? Did you notice it has been replaced by a war on us?

Austin Ruse, Crisis Magazine, 2/2/24

German courts just prosecuted an American playwright named C.J. Hopkins for thought crimes. He won the case, but that was not the point. The point was to punish for wrong think.  

Hopkins moved to Germany during the Iraq War years because he saw Germany as freer than the U.S. which at that time did not much allow criticism of George Bush’s war of choice. Yes, I said that: I have been on a journey, as likely you have been.  

Maybe Germany was freer for a while. But no longer. 

German authorities criminally prosecuted Hopkins because he compared Covid authoritarianism to Nazism. He tweeted, “[Covid] masks are ideological-conformity symbols. That is all they are. That is all they have ever been. Stop acting like they have been anything else or get used to wearing them.” He also retweeted something from the German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach that said, “The masks always send out a signal.” 

Besides questioning the efficacy of masking, and making fun of a German official, the kicker is that Hopkins superimposed a faint swastika on the mask in his tweet. It is against the law to show the swastika in Germany if you are using it to support National Socialism. Hopkins was not doing that. In fact, he was accusing the German healthcare state of Nazism. The state could not take that.  

This came to the attention of something called the Hessen CyberCompetenceCenter (Hessen 3C) that reported Hopkins’ tweets to the Federal Criminal Police Office, which began a criminal investigation.  

Do you recognize Hopkins for what he is? He’s an “extremist,” possibly even a “white supremacist,” even a neo-Nazi who has set out to destroy “our democracy.” This is what “normies” see in him. This is what “normies” see in all of us who do not go along with the New Normal. Actually, Hopkins is a man of the Left. Hopkins calls all this the “New Normal Reich.” He wrote a book with that title, which was promptly banned by Amazon in Germany and many other countries.   

Hopkins casts a wide net about what is happening these days. He says, “We have entered an epoch in which historical events are primarily being driven, and societies reshaped not by sovereign nation states acting in their national interests but by supranational corporations acting in their corporate interests.” He argues there is a global capitalist system—he jokingly calls this “GloboCap”—that includes global corporations, nominally sovereign governments, non-governmental governing entities, media conglomerates, and oligarchs that is driving the course of events in our time. He says this has morphed into The New Normal Reich.

Did you ever notice that the Global War on Terror no longer exists? Did you notice it has been replaced by a war on us? The Global War on Populism. They call us “Christian Nationalists.” They call us “white supremacists,” “extremists,” “deplorables.” The head of the FBI says repeatedly that the greatest domestic terror threat in the United States comes from the “right wing”—you know, like those moms and dads yelling at school board meetings. 

Hopkins calls this the pathologization of dissent. Fascist code words and symbols are everywhere! Criticize George Soros and you are nothing less than a Nazi. Call them “globalists.” Nazi. Who would have thought that using the “okay” hand sign is a fascist dog whistle?  

The global powers did not like the rise of Trump. It was supposed to be Hillary. They hated Brexit. Oh boy, did they ever hate the Canadian truckers. They loathed the Yellow Shirt protestors in France, and they are in a panic about the angry Dutch farmers, the angry German farmers, the rise of conservative parties around the world that are, of course, all Nazis and fascists. 

The pandemic was perfect for The New Normal Reich to flex its muscles. Those from the Left who may have been skeptical about the “vax,” like Bobby Kennedy but not only Bobby Kennedy, all of a sudden became “antisemitic right-wing extremists.” The World Health Organization is developing a new hard-law “Pandemic Treaty” that will allow the WHO to intrude into domestic healthcare. What’s more, it will come after what they call “disinformation” and “misinformation.” They were practically salivating over silencing critics at the just-concluded World Economic Forum in Davos. 

C.J. Hopkins is not a conservative. He is a leftist. But he is a truth-teller well ahead of most of us. He won the court case in Germany. On the day he won, a week ago, he predicted the prosecutor would appeal his acquittal. This is possible in Germany. And like clockwork, the Berlin State Prosecutor has announced he is appealing the acquittal. Hopkins and truth are once more in the dock. 

Austin Ruse

Austin Ruse is a contributing editor to Crisis Magazine. He is president of the Center for Family and Human Rights in New York and Washington DC

The Thought Police Are Here

1 thought on “The Thought Police are Here”

  1. Hopkins is right to call this the pathologization of dissent. They’re not in their right minds. That’s the end result of those who are God-forsaken, those who don’t trust in and appeal to God to guide them into righteousness and who thereby fall into the pit of evil.
    Their minds are so imbued by evil, that what is evil is not evil to them and what is good appears evil to them. Righteousness looks unrighteous to them, which is what Satan’s influence looks like.
    So they invent fake evils against those who are not evil, against law-abiding Americans in the USA, and they act upon them as if they were “true”.
    Their pathology is the expression of a cursed and unGodly evil. There is no Divine Providence for those who blaspheme by inverting good and evil.

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