The Evil Eye of Envy: Why Being White is Offensive to Some People

Coca Cola has forced employees to take a mandatory course on LinkedIn to learn how to be “less white.” The course suggests that to be white is to be arrogant, defensive, ignorant, and oppressive. It also claims that in the West, white children are socialized “to feel that they are inherently superior,” and that “one-time […]

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Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords?

Is the world we live in a computer simulation in the minds of Robotic Overlords who are using humanity as playthings? This is the “scientific” theory put forward by a number of physicists and Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom. (1) Bostrom is one of the founders of the World Transhumanist Association. Transhumanism is a blend

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Utopianism and Why Proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Word Became Flesh, is Offensive

Citing recent polls, Dr. Peter Jones notes that most young people “have graded Christianity, and so far, the grades aren’t looking good.” Young believers do not want the name “Christian” because of “the baggage that accompanies the label.” The most ethical, humane movement in two thousand years of Western history is now covered in abject

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Why Jesus Christ Is Hated

WHY JESUS CHRIST IS HATED In his report, “Jesus’ Name Ruled Unconstitutional,” author Drew Zahn writes that the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State claim even “a solitary reference to Jesus Christ in invocations before the Forsythe County Board of Commissioners’ meetings could do violence to the pluralistic and inclusive values

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