When the Church Fears Man, Not God

In his foreboding American Spectator article, George Neumayer writes,

In a foreshadowing of America’s future under coercive secularism, a Finnish politician and Finnish bishop will go on criminal trial next week for merely upholding historic Christian teaching on sexual morality. The trial is a telling measure of the erosion of Christianity in Europe. Juhana Pohjola, a Lutheran bishop, and Päivi Räsänen, a member of Finland’s Parliament, stand accused of an act increasingly forbidden in the de-Christianized West: quoting the Bible…This is what America will soon enough become if Biden gets his way” (The Criminalization of Christianity in Finland, 2/22/22)

Of course it isn’t just Biden, but rather new pagan Secularism and mystical pantheism moving unopposed through an open door marked: No Fear of the Lord Here Anywhere.    

This is the conclusion reached by R.T. Kendall, former pastor of Westminister Chapel in London for 25 years. After surveying the new pagan landscape with its multitudes of modern worldly churches throughout the West and America, in his book, “Fear: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” Kendall concludes that churches that are worldly are churches that fear man.  Thus, they care more about what worldly paganized people think than what God thinks, and this is very dangerous.(Proverbs 29:25) 

The church will only be released from the clutches of the fear of man, said Kendall, when its greatest priority is the fear of God.  The fear of God leads to wisdom and worship; the fear of man leads to the reverse: conformity to the prevailing infernal worldview of Satan, commonly known as scientific evolutionary Secularism/Marxism/Transhumanism and occult New Age mystical pantheism.


1 thought on “When the Church Fears Man, Not God”

  1. If I’m not mistaken, Finland was a satellite of the former Soviet Union. Perhaps Finland never quite recovered from that evil influence so as to reestablish its own Christian footings. Certainly its leaders are still under that malign Soviet Godless influence and still act like Marxists.

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