When Artificial Intelligence Becomes the God of Forces All Hell Will Break Loose

In Emerald Robinson’s excellent analysis of Globalism’s arch-guru Yuval Hariri, she concludes that he is not really a humanist as he casts himself:

“.. he doesn’t have any love for humanity. Nor is he really interested in the preservation of democracy. He is the psuedo-prophet of a one world government that would enslave humanity forever using a version of communist China’s social credit system to keep the masses under control.

How does Hariri see totalitarian control coming about?   Through Covid genetic modification injections:

COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance. If we want to stop this epidemic — we need to not just monitor people, we need to monitor what is happening underneath their skin.”   “Maybe in a couple of decades, when people look back, the thing they will remember from the COVID crisis, is: this is the moment when everything went digital. This was the moment when everything became monitored — that we agreed to be surveilled all the time. Not just in authoritarian regimes but even in democracies. This was the moment when surveillance went under the skin.”

So what do COVID injections really do? 

They usher in the Age of Total Surveillance.” Emerald Robinson

The Nightmare Future According to Hariri

Professor Hariri predicts a bizarre future,

where the machines we have created have no more use for humans (because of Artifical Intelligence) and so “by 2050 a new class of people might emerge – the useless class. People who are not just unemployed, but unemployable…Technology is going to turn the Davos crowd into gods, and the working class into peasants to be eliminated as so many “useless eaters.” After all, we humans “should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls.” We are “hackable animals” so Hariri wants you to get ready to be hacked.”   Robinson

 Where does Hariri come by his entirely false and bizarre ways of viewing reality, mankind as soulless hackable animals, technology that causes the Davos crowd to turn into gods; and thinking, living, choosing machines possessed by Artificial Intelligence? 

The answer lies within Hariri’s worldview.

In terms of worldview, Hariri is a mystical materialist and monist.   Hence, all that exists is the Void from which emerge or emanate matter and energy (evolution). Evolution however is a mystical energy. It is a living, thinking, choosing force or energy that works on matter pregnant with life, will, and consciousness.

In this version of reality, the personal, living Creator God and the living souls endowed with consciousness will, and intellect He created do not exist.  However, Hariri’s mystical new pagan worldview ascribes life, motion, thinking, and choice to matter and energy.  Thus, mysticism allows evolution to finally become conscious of itself, and since it has been at work in everything for billions of years, Hariri logically believes Technology (another word for evolution) will eventually cause the Davos crowd to turn into gods and machines into living, thinking, choice-making entities also endowed with emotion since Hariri says machines will have no use for humans.  

At this point Artificial Intelligence has supposedly come to life.  It too will live, think, and choose. AI will also be fearfully worshipped by the Davos crowd, now reduced by AI–the god of forces– to contemptuous dung beetles it has no use for. 

If AI appears to live, think, and choose it is only because it poses no barrier to demons. Thus, as it was in ancient times where demons were behind the gods and goddesses, so it will be once again.  Thus, all Hell will break loose when the AI god of forces comes to life decreeing the end of the Davos crowd. iThey will be forced to worship demons and sacrifice to them the souls they do not believe exist.  

Demons of course, know better.


6 thoughts on “When Artificial Intelligence Becomes the God of Forces All Hell Will Break Loose”

  1. Poor, pathetic Hariri! His “wisdom” has carried him to the heights, or perhaps depths, of folly. Any scientist who hasn’t lost his senses knows that science cannot answer life’s questions and that that is best left to theology.
    But how can a fool know what’s sensible?

  2. I’ve been thinking about what constitutes the characters of those who draw up scenarios like Hariri has. They’re not just fiendish, they’re pathological as well, even psychotically so.
    They’re missing an important emotional connection, a loving and caring connection. This ls likely the result of poor childhood nurturing wherein love for family, for parents, for siblings was neither received nor given. They viewed each other as mere objects. This led to seeing all others are mere objects.
    But the other human emotions were still in play, such as hatred and anger and despair. These became the basis of his fiendish and psychotic worldview.
    This is the fate that Jesus Christ died to save us from (“Greater love has no man than this, that he should die for his friends”).

    1. LindaKimball

      Evil spirits can and do interfere with the way the brain works. I believe that has taken place with Hariri.

      1. You’re right of course. The Godless are preyed upon by the demons of the darkness who urge them on to further iniquities.
        God is not their co-pilot, so to speak, Satan is.

      2. Furthermore, Satan must have corrupted and compliant characters to do his bidding. They become his agents of evil.

  3. What I’m suggesting is that such denizens of the globalist camp should be viewed and treated for being what they are: rabid, fiendish, psychotic, predatory beast-men. They are no longer rational human beings who can be reached through discourse, since acquiring power is all they deal with.

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