A Pastor’s Thoughts on Overpopulation

For decades there are some who have warned of over-population. It was a popular screed during the 70s.  There had to be a way to deal with the problem, especially in light of the sexual revolution of the 1960s with its free love mantra that certainly could lead to an increase in babies. In stepped Planned Parenthood, the organization founded by Margaret Sanger. Sanger was a eugenicist, one who believed certain “lesser quality peoples” shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce. To her, that meant people of color. PP would provide a “safe” way to both keep down the population and get rid of those she thought of as “undesirables.” The problem is that it didn’t do enough for population control. The numbers increased worldwide. As if living out the plot of Utopia, certain folks have found interesting ways of lowering the numbers. The origin of the pandemic virus is still uncertain, but it is certain that it was not a naturally occurring virus, but one modified for a purpose.  Was it to be used as a weapon, but accidentally released? We do not know, but it certainly killed a large group of folks. Now, we are facing an exponential increase in transgender ideology. Those who were isolated during the shut-down struggled with their self-conception and instead of really helping them to address the issues, we have started to encourage children, some as young as 4, to begin procedures to “change their sex” through hormones, medicines and surgeries. The result? Voluntary sterilization. What Sanger wanted by force, we are now seeing people line up to do freely. Add to that the environmental radicals who are calling to lower the “dangerous human population,” and we have multiple parties seeking to lower humanity. Whether people know they are lining up to achieve that goal is uncertain, but the over-population philosophy seems to be driving some of it.  Perhaps it is time to be reminded that children are a blessing, not a curse and that includes everyone, not just the ones people like Sanger preferred. Our problem isn’t population, but a profound lack of wisdom by those in power. We have adequate resources to provide for billions more than currently inhabit the planet, but we have forgotten our mandate to be stewards of the planet and have, instead, buried our talent in the ground in fear. We ought, therefore, stand up for life and for our God-given responsibility to care for this world. 

Pastor Eric Dugan, West End Presbyterian Church, Hopewell, Virginia

1 thought on “A Pastor’s Thoughts on Overpopulation”

  1. The pastor is right, there is no reason to panic.
    Unfortunately, we are always being bedeviled by those determined to create a panic by convincing us that what ain’t broke needs fixing… with large amounts of taxpayer money of course.

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