A Cloud of Witnesses Attests That What We Confront is Demonic

John Zmirak, The Stream Newsletter, 7/7/23

It’s kind of an unspoken rule among faithful Christian writers and patriots: If you aren’t getting denounced by the usual suspects, you’re likely not doing things right. Nothing lifts my spirits more than when Right Wing Watch excerpts one of my choicest moments on The Eric Metaxas Show. When I see a group targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center, its odds of getting a check from me shoot through the roof. I wear my permanent Twitter ban like a Bronze Star for combat.

But it’s rare that a single hit piece by a leftist “media watchdog” gets virtually everything right about our culture and theology, sheerly by accident. Or rather, via the negative infallibility granted to people who are steadfastly wrong about everything (see William Kristol).

Media Matters Reports on Spiritual Warfare

The latest piece from Media Matters is a virtual user’s guide to spiritually trustworthy commentary in the United States today. It begins:

Right-wing media figures are ramping up apocalyptic political rhetoric that literally demonizes LGBTQ people, perceived political enemies, and progressive causes, with some absurdly suggesting that demons are using portals to enter Earth and wage “spiritual war” against humanity.

I’m honored and moved to be mentioned in this report, along with my old friend Eric Metaxas:

Salem Radio host Eric Metaxas and his guest John Zmirak proclaimed that Satan himself was behind the LGBTQ rights movement, with Zmirak decrying “blasphemous drag queen rituals, in your church, mocking Christ” and comparing the Pride flag to an inverted pentagram, claiming Satan “wants you to use the pronoun they.” Metaxas then warned his audience that if they did not boycott companies that celebrate Pride Month, they would be comparable to Germans who failed to stop the Holocaust, saying, “The death camps were the result of good people saying, ‘I don’t want to deal with this. Just let me live my life.’”

I’d like to thank the Academy, my agent, the producers … okay, just kidding. I’m glad they spelled my name correctly. And I’m more than a little starstruck to be listed in a report that also cites Steve (“Nefarious”) Deace, Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Michael Knowles, Charlie Kirk, Lance Wallnau, Sean Feucht and Jonathan Cahn. You’ll notice how many of these names have appeared here at The Stream. 

We must be using the right exorcism prayers, since the principalities and powers are squealing.

And not to toot my own horn too loudly (though I am from NYC), but … I also made Media Matters’ rival site Right Wing Watch this week. I’m thinking I deserve to treat myself to a nice steak dinner.

1 thought on “A Cloud of Witnesses Attests That What We Confront is Demonic”

  1. I wish Mr. Zmirak Godspeed in his contests with the demonic. Yes, he’s earned a steak dinner reward.
    I can’t add anything beyond that since I haven’t followed his programs.

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