WORLDWIDE ATTACK ON CHILDREN: UN, WHO Call for Children to Masturbate, Use Porn

The World Health Organization and United Nations instruct all kindergartens and elementary schools worldwide to teach toddlers masturbation, and tell young children to use pornography. School posters are widely distributed that encourage children to engage in homosexual activities with their classmates, and books are recommended that tell little kids about oral sex. In this evidence report we provide conclusive evidence that this is part of an international operation to normalize pedophilia. 

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2 thoughts on “WORLDWIDE ATTACK ON CHILDREN: UN, WHO Call for Children to Masturbate, Use Porn”

  1. It’s hard to believe the utter depravity that these demonically-inspired individuals can engage in. They’re very likely demonically possessed as well, given their utter disregard for genuine human interactions.
    It further shows that the elite’s love of money is the root of their evil. It makes them tools of the Devil and they will be cast down along with him on the Judgement Day.
    May The Lord have mercy on their despicably wretched souls.

  2. In further reviewing the above report I can only conclude that the pedophiles and pederasts behind the abnormal sexism are extremely shallow people who treat sex as if it’s the only underlying human condition which all other human interactions rest upon. In doing so they trivialize and cheapen it, as though casual abnormal sex will make us all happy.
    These are people of dissolute character just like the ones who visited Epstein’s island were. They have nothing of value to contribute to society, only its dissolution. Sexual gratification amounts to nothing but dissipation – for the individual first and for society second.
    If it isn’t just a grand delusion, then it’s a pathology and a corrupt character.

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