What’s Behind America’s ‘Great Dechurching?’

It’s time to rethink Individualist Christianity and expect more from the body of Christ, where God is alive and well and indwelling.

By JOHN STONESTREET & G.S. MORRIS , The Stream; 8/23

In The Gay Science, Friedrich Nietzsche tells “The Parable of the Madman.” In it, a madman lights a lantern in the early morning, runs to the marketplace, and declares, “God is dead.” Nietzsche’s point was that though Enlightenment philosophers had embraced atheism, they had not yet realized the huge implications. So, Nietzsche told them, via a rant from the Madman, which ends when he bursts into church buildings and asks, “What after all are these churches now if they are not the tombs and sepulchers of God?”

The Pews Are Emptying

In 2023 in America, that last question feels uncomfortably relevant, even for those of us who know God is alive and well. U.S. church membership, as a percentage of the population, is now at a record low—down more than 20 points in the twenty-first century.

For years, this statistic could be attributed mostly to the decline of mainline Protestantism, a once dominant force in American life that is now a kind of hospice for graying liberal theology. However, recent news that the Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest Protestant denomination, lost half a million members last yearmakes clear that decline is no longer just a mainline problem.

Evangelicals, as a share of the population, have sunk to pre-1980s levels while the religiously unaffiliated have swelled to nearly a third of the population. Ryan Burge, a statistician and co-author of a forthcoming book entitled The Great Dechurching, calls the emptying of pews and the rise of the unaffiliated “the most significant shift in American society over the last thirty years.”

Dechurching is Bad News for America

It is significant for reasons most Americans probably don’t yet realize. Like the people in Nietzsche’s parable, secular observers may shrug off or even celebrate America’s “great dechurching.” But a less religiously observant society is, statistically, a much worse place to live. As Jake Meador wrote in his review of The Great Dechurching at The Atlantic, this change is “bad news” for America as a whole, because,

Participation in a religious community generally correlates with better health outcomes and longer lifehigher financial generosity, and  more stable families—all of which are desperately needed in a nation with rising rates of loneliness, mental illness, and alcohol and drug dependency.

Faith, particularly Christian faith, is an irreplaceable force for good in society. Its decline will leave America less healthy, less charitable, less connected, and less capable of dealing with major social ills without government intervention. Evidence suggests it already has.

We’re Missing the Main Point

At the same time, it is essential to remember that these benefits are byproducts of faith, not the main point. Anyone who hopes to halt and reverse church decline must remember what that main point is.

It’s not to entertain people, as Carl Trueman reminded us recently in WORLD. For example, services with a Toy Story or Star Wars theme (I wish I were making these examples up) neither attract serious seekers nor make true disciples. Therapeutic appeals about how Christian principles can supplement or enrich otherwise complete lives also miss the point. Counterintuitively, part of the trend of decline may be churches that ask too little of those who darken their doors.

The authors of The Great Dechurching suggest that low expectations of those in the pews and widely embraced individualist assumptions have led to fewer and fewer Americans finding time for church. If Christianity is merely a kind of hobby or weekly pep talk designed to enhance psychological wellbeing or career success, then we can find better stuff on YouTube or Spotify. Why make time for this type of church every week?

But what if Christianity is a way of life, the thing it’s all about? What if it demands our allegiance? What if following Christ restructures our priorities and pursuits, our beliefs and our behavior—including career, family, and even personal identity?

Our Inward Gaze Must Turn Upward

Everything else in our society directs our gaze inward, to ourselves, our feelings, our priorities, and our problems—as if every individual is the center of his or her own universe. Churches that accept and even participate in this idolatry may be leading millions away from Christianity, not by demanding everything of them but by demanding nothing.

Those who are happy or indifferent about the decline of American churches are beginning to get glimpses of what an America without Christian influence will look like. It can and will get worse. For 2,000 years, the knowledge and fear of a transcendent God, not helpful social programs, has built and filled churches. If the magnitude of that claim is forgotten or even obscured, our churches will indeed become sepulchers — but not for God, who lives and reigns forever and ever. They will become memorials of the squandered heritage of a once deeply, but no longer, Christian nation.

John Stonestreet serves as president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He’s a sought-after author and speaker on areas of faith and culture, theology, worldview, education and apologetics.

What’s Behind America’s ‘Great Dechurching?’

7 thoughts on “What’s Behind America’s ‘Great Dechurching?’”

  1. Participation in a religious community generally correlates with better health outcomes and longer life, higher financial generosity, and  more stable families—all of which are desperately needed in a nation with rising rates of loneliness, mental illness, and alcohol and drug dependency.

    ===I am 66. I was once 10. Where we are today is where we were in 1967.
    Slouching Toward Bethlehem • 1967–Summer of Love

    The center was not holding. It was a country of bankruptcy notices
    and public-auction announcements and commonplace reports
    of casual killings and misplaced children and abandoned homes
    and vandals who misplaced even the four-letter words they scrawled. It
    was a country in which families routinely disappeared, trailing bad checks
    and repossession papers. Adolescents drifted from city to torn city,
    sloughing off both the past and the future as snakes shed their skins,
    children who were never taught and would never now learn the games
    that had held the society together. People were missing. Children were
    missing. Parents were missing. Those left behind filed desultory missing-
    persons reports, then moved on themselves.
    It was not a country in open revolution. It was not a country
    under enemy siege. It was the United States of America in the cold late
    spring of 1967, and the market was steady and the G.N.P. high and a
    great many articulate people seemed to have a sense of high social purpose
    and it might have been a spring of brave hopes and national promise,
    but it was not, and more and more people had the uneasy apprehension
    that it was not. All that seemed clear was that at some point we had
    aborted ourselves and butchered the job, and because nothing else seemed
    so relevant I decided to go to San Francisco. San Francisco was where
    the social hemorrhaging was showing up. San Francisco was where the
    missing children were gathering and calling themselves “hippies.” When
    I first went to San Francisco in that cold late spring of 1967 I did not
    even know what I wanted to find out, and so I just stayed around awhile,
    and made a few friends.
    A sign on Haight Street, San Francisco:
    Last Easter Day
    My Christopher Robin wandered away.
    He called April 10th
    But he hasn’t called since
    He said he was coming home
    But he hasn’t shown.

    1. But now, the hippie children of the social hemorrhaging of yesterday having taken a long walk through our institutions have control of them and through them injecting madness and despair into the minds of undiscerning Americans. And so the social hemorrhaging is now a raging torrent.

      1. Stegiel’s words are not those of a ten year old’s. It’s all nonsense, which I’m accounting as AI.

        1. No, that ability is not part of the package. But who knows, as AI increasingly takes over with production of fake articles, etc., some sort of defense against it might be in offing.

    2. Interesting you quote Yeats poem, the second coming
      “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
      Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

      What was born out of the Hippie movement? rebellion; Eastern religion; promiscuity; anything goes; sexual “liberation”; drug abuse; a rough beast indeed

  2. I’d say the family unit is what Christianity aims to maintain. A functioning family needs Christianity at it’s center. A family is its own reason for being, it doesn’t look askance to the state for that.
    If Nietzsche was unchurched, it’s because he was alienated from his brethren first.

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