2 thoughts on “We Took God Out and Now: After School Satan Clubs Gain Popularity Amid Legal Victories (Youtube)”

  1. Any court that approves of Satan is either very stupid or is Satanic itself.
    It is stupid in not recognizing that Satan is the very source of hate, and there are already laws against “hate” speech.
    Or that court is Satanic in calling evil “good” and good “evil, which will allow Satanic hate speech to be presented as “right”.
    Either way, that court is undermining its own legal foundation to uphold truth and justice because those have been regarded as what is “good”, but they’re upholding an evil which combats against good. Satanism is about falsehoods, not justice.
    The kids will probably experiment with Satanism like they might with Ouija boards. That experiment has been known to severely frighten other kids who actually felt a malevolent presence.
    Satanists have been known to practice animal sacrifices as well, which the SPCA will not condone. They’re just as likely to perform human sacrifices other than abortions, such as in rituals.

  2. Moreover, such courts are remiss in ignoring America’s founding principles which are theistic, while those of Satanists are anti-theistic – and anti-American.

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