Video: Scientific Evidence For Life After Death – Gary Habermas

Gary Habermas, 10/23

Gary Habermas talks with John Ankerberg about the evidence for life after this life.

2 thoughts on “Video: Scientific Evidence For Life After Death – Gary Habermas”

  1. On a related note, I had an out-of-body experience, just this once, when I was about 12 or 13 years old. It happened when during a school night when I was tucked in bed, under covers because it was a cold night. I woke up during the night and noticed I was too close to the ceiling, which of course looked wrong. When I saw myself still rising up, I started to panic because I thought I might keep floating up to who knows where. I began flailing my arms and legs in a swimming motion trying to go back down but it wasn’t working. Then my body slowly, slowly began turning me toward face-down. When I was completely face down, I saw my body still in bed. I was completely detached looking down at myself. I was still struggling to descend while I was slowly being descended. At that point my experience ended before I returned to my body and I remember nothing else.
    The next morning was another school day and it was back to the 6th grade, I think.
    I don’t think I was dead during this episode so I call it out-of-body.
    This event may be related to another event which I underwent regarding a 6th grade girl who was affecting me, who was leaving me tongue-tied when she was nearby. I was still just a boy interested only in boy things, not girls, so I had no clue as to what it was.
    But any relationship between the two events is just conjecture on my part. Was it true love that gave me an out-of-body experience? Since both events happened at about the same time, I’m inclined to say yes. BTY, I never again shared any more classes with her.

    1. Though your soul came out of your body, your body still lived, though had your soul stayed away too long, the body would have died. I’m not sure about the length of time a soul can stay out before the body dies. The point being, you were not dead at any time during your experience.

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