1 thought on “Tucker Carlson Video: Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda”

  1. A-ha! This confirms the conclusions that my own thoughts have been leading to. And it throws light on other shadowy areas.
    The ends with which the WHO began with are no longer their ends, they’ve become a means to other ends, namely world domination. World health is no longer about better health, it’s now a weapon they’ll use to enforce conformity among nations which can be used under any pretext, even an imaginary one.
    These outrages against humanity can be expected from Godless men who will not obey God’s laws, even less man’s laws. Their only imperative is establishing themselves as the rulers over all, as the new Caesars, emperors, Pharaohs, kings, and dictators. They’re certainly not doing anything for the greater good but rather for their demise.
    It reminds me of the old-time buffalo hunters who would shoot vast numbers of buffalo, then skin them because their hides were valuable. Eventually the buffalo herds were decimated to few numbers. But these people will shoot you just because you have nothing of value to offer them. They won’t let you just exist.

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