The Wicked

“…the COVID vaccines have been “clinically tested” on the world’s population.  Former president Barack Obama claimed Thursday that “we’ve now, essentially, clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide” and derided the unvaccinated. “  (Obama Admits COVID Jab Has Been Clinically Tested On Billions While Chastising Americans Who Refused, Louis Knuftke, LifeSite News, Apr 22, 2022) 

At the highest levels of global and national government, predatory extreme narcissists dominate and control the world’s resources, wealth, and its’ people. Some of them are Satanists.  Others are Luciferians.  All of them are nihilists from the void. Like their father the devil there is no truth in them. They are pathological liars.  Obama has sold his soul to them.  He is one of their mouth-pieces.

The father of Satanic and Luciferian Globalists was a murderer from the beginning.  His children are death-wishers too.  Thus, they champion wholesale destruction of Western civilization. As well, they promote population control schemes including man-made famine, abortion for any reason, infanticide, sale of baby parts for use in horrid scientific experiments and indoctrination of children into sterility producing lifestyles such as homosexuality, lesbianism, and transgender. It is not just sterility desired by predators but greatly shortened life-spans. 
In China the wicked have imprisoned more than a million Shanghai residents in their homes where they are dying for lack of food. The wicked even slaughtered the beloved cats and dogs of the people condemned to starvation. 

The deaths of billions of people for the good of the planet has always been desired by wicked globalists and their water-carriers at national levels. The desire for the wholesale planetary deaths of humans is carved into the Georgia Guide Stones for all to see.  

On the Stones are Ten Commandments.  The first commandment is “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” (1)

In light of all of this it is not unreasonable for thoughtful people to resist the genetic modification injections proffered by the wicked as necessary for preservation of life when we know they hate human life. And especially when we are aware of the harm caused by these injections to great numbers of people as well as the deaths of many others.  

Quite simply, we do not believe the wicked. Like their father the devil, they hate the Lord our God, Truth, Moral Law, and human life.   


1. The Creepiest American Monument You’ve Probably Never Heard Of: The Georgia Guidestones,

6 thoughts on “The Wicked”

  1. Carlos+F+Trevino+Jr

    You’re completely right. Their evil intentions become clearer when we see them withholding the truth about COV19 vaccines while using their ill-gotten authority which they unlawfully usurped. Their vaccines are not about promoting good health but rather the opposite. Instead of dropping bombs and firing rockets, they’re using a deadly toxin, which they mislabel, against the population. Like sleight-of-hand, they keep us guessing about its true intent.

  2. Carlos F Trevino Jr

    P.S. That deadly toxin could just as easily be called a lethal injection, since that’s what it is for many.

    1. Exactly. It appears that its purpose is to weaken and eventually destroy the immune systems our Lord designed. This is clearly demonic.

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