The UFO Phenomenon—Growing and not Going Away! Is it the next great challenge for the church?

Gary Bates,, 1/24

Gavin C. from the UK sent an insightful email to CMI’s resident “UFOlogist”, Gary Bates. Gary’s reply is below Gavin’s original email.

Dear Gary,
Thanks once again for your book Alien Intrusion. I’ve been reading quite a lot recently, I’ve gone through Tim[othy] Good’s books, now I’m comparing it with what Missler & Eastman have said [in their book Alien Encounters]. Also just been watching the European Exopolitics2009 in Spain on line, Dr. Steven Greer is channeling aliens and encouraging everyone else to do so, the worrying thing is that they’re answering, and he briefs the president on such issues? [website withheld per our feedback rules].

I just get the feeling that there is a paradigm shift happening right now in our culture, real fast, and it’s taking the church by surprise, how this all ties in with end time prophesy I’m still processing, but it’s kind of scary. It certainly strikes me that if Christians aren’t really founded firm on the Word with a creation world view then they will be hoodwinked by the ETH,1 that these entities are here to “help us up to the next rung of our evolutionary development”, even claiming to be our creators. Will this be the great falling away? 

Yours prayerfully.

Dear Mr C/Dear Gavin,

Thanks for your email. It is interesting to receive these thoughts from you at this time. Of course, I am involved in this type of specialist research but it is actually only a very small part of what I do. Like my colleagues I mainly focus on the wider creation/evolution issue. However, there is an ever-increasing amount of articles from established scientists and even politicians giving the UFO-believers’ cause some seeming validity. The mere fact that politicians are actually holding such an exopolitics conference should give us cause for concern in itself. And I have recently had an increasingly strong sense, almost one of foreboding, that this is an impending paradigm shift that will very likely be a major issue in the future. That’s why I make the point about the timing of your email. My concern is that the church is still not equipped to deal with the creation/evolution problem yet, and the UFO phenomenon, which is a subset of this, is an issue majorly shunned/avoided by the wider church. This is despite the fact that a belief in extraterrestrial life is overwhelmingly accepted by the majority of the population, Christians included.

One only need look at the Roswell Festival held each year, where I have just been. The town’s population doubles in size over the “crash anniversary” weekend, yet not a single church in town makes an effort to reach out to the tens of thousands that are there. In fact, they openly distance themselves from it. And as we know, many sections of the church openly embrace evolution so they won’t have any problem believing that life evolved on other planets anyway.

The following areas that will likely continue to be promoted as a challenge to Christianity are:

  1. That the complexity of life—that is, the vast amounts of information on the DNA molecule of all creatures—means it has been designed by aliens. We can now map the majority of the information on the human genome, and when one sees it laid out on sheets of paper, for example, its immensity is breathtaking. It’s hard to see how any reasonable thinking person could believe this has come about by chance. Therefore the idea of older, more evolved (therefore smarter) aliens being our creators can help evolutionists explain the origin of life (one of the biggest stumbling blocks to biological evolution). It gets them off the hook by merely transferring the argument to outer space where we can’t test it. It’s ironic that they will criticize Christians for believing in an unseen God as Creator, but they are more than happy to resort to their own unseen forces—as long as these do not involve God.

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5 thoughts on “The UFO Phenomenon—Growing and not Going Away! Is it the next great challenge for the church?”

  1. A discussion of the various aspects of this subject could make it a very prolonged one, perhaps even an essay, something I try to avoid. Even an outline may not be that brief.
    One aspect is that the popular imagination has been carried away by the idea that aliens could “evolve” elsewhere in the cosmos. No they can’t because evolution never happened here on earth and couldn’t anywhere else either. Nevertheless, the popular imagination is convinced that life “evolves”, both here and elsewhere. This has been bolstered by so many imaginative sci-fi stories, beginning with H.G. Well’s “War of the Worlds”, then on through the movies of the ’50’s, then up through the more recent “Star Trek” and Star Wars”.
    At first, the aliens were invaders out to do harm to earth. Today’s aliens are now benign creatures out to save the earth from itself. They’re all imaginary beings but the public accepts them as credible because in their own minds, “evolution” happens.
    The next aspect is convincing the general public that evolution doesn’t happen. But since the public is convinced that it does, they’re going to reject any arguments to the contrary, perhaps even violently or by other cancelling means.
    The arguments against evolution are rational and convincing but that’s not likely to appeal to the public imagination. They’re carried away by their delusion.
    Then there are the elitist atheists who are adamantly against the very idea of a Supreme Being who created all things. They want an evolution that counters any religiously derived concept, specifically the Judeo-Christian one. They will not accept rational arguments in their goal to create a Godless civilization. They’re the ones creating the hostility toward Christianity.
    ~Well, that didn’t take as long as I thought it would~

      1. Thank you for the invite to that website which I did visit- SpiritedIrish, is it? It IS interesting. Be advised, however, that I’m not really inclined to make duplicate comments, both here and there.
        Also, I like this simpler one. That Gab one has so many links everywhere that it’s a bit confusing. I am retired after all, even from all that geek stuff.

      2. Ok Linda, let me see if I can work something out. First, I’ll have to familiarize myself with that website page. I have a MeWe link on my desktop that I don’t visit either.

      3. Here’s another problem: a Gab page blocks my access until I turn off my VPN. I’m leery about doing that.

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