The Influence of the Occult-Inspired World Economic Forum is Finally Waning

What began as an occult-inspired project by the U.S. Deep State to secure American hegemony in Europe is reduced to a series of photo opportunities for the delegates of a dying regime.

Frank Wright, LifeSite News, 1/19/24

(LifeSiteNews) –– The World Economic Forum had high hopes for itself. Its location, inspired by the Magic Mountain of Thomas Mann, was the perfect setting for Klaus Schwab to host the leading fantasists of the world in furtherance of their occult-inspired project for global domination. 

From its beginnings, initiated by the dark eminence of Henry Kissinger, the Forum grew from a fringe club of shady state-level actors to an annual showcase of world leaders. Drawn to the promises of permanent power offered by the Great Reset, and enchanted by the unscientific nonsense of the climate cult, the WEF was the place to be for the global elite.  

It has now become little more than a gallery of second-rate grotesques. What began as a project by the U.S. Deep State to secure U.S. hegemony in Europe is reduced to a series of photo opportunities for the delegates of a dying regime.  

No major world leaders were present at Davos this year. With a cast of second-tier performers desperate for attention, this year’s WEF is leavened only by the appearance of Javier Milei. 

His break with the program of the usual suspects overshadowed both Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and EU Chief Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen’s in their bids for continuing relevance. 

How did it come to this? 

From Deep State to delusion 

Klaus Schwab is credited with the founding of the WEF, but according to Professor Mikko Paunio, who has dedicated 30 years of research into the subject, “Schwab founded his organization on the recommendation of Henry Kissinger, the economic Nobel laureate John Kenneth Galbraith and the real Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn, in 1971.” 

The Deep State origins of the WEF, intended by the CIA as a vehicle for U.S. dominance of Europe, is documented here by John Vedmore. 

So what kind of agenda would be used in this domination? Kissinger’s Malthusian depopulation plans informed a “sustainable development” strategy itself informed by the Club of Rome, whose founder, the occultist Aurelio Peccei, gave the keynote speechat the second World Economic Forum in 1973. The economist J.K. Galbraith gave the first, in 1972, lending his credibility to Schwab’s new CIA-backed venture, which began with a Harvard course run by Herman Kahn, “the real Dr. Strangelove.”

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1 thought on “The Influence of the Occult-Inspired World Economic Forum is Finally Waning”

  1. What an admirable report! I remember hearing the names from the sixties mentioned here, Kissinger, J.K. Galbraith, and others, but I was too young and unwise and thus was never engaged in these ongoing ideas. Of course, young people have different interests but even so, I would never have consented to what these nascent One Worlders were going on about. I loved the USA too much for that. For example, I’ve always hated Communism but without fully knowing why. If it was anti-USA, that was enough.
    I admit I was confused at first by the huge volume of new “woke” anti-USA charges being made against law-abiding Americans and felt compelled to answer them.
    This article provides me with more and better answers to that quandary I sought to address and it confirms my own conclusions: that accomplished liars are behind the corruption that is the One World movement.

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