The Gods (Evil Spirits) Have Returned (and America is Being Paganized)

“All the gods of the pagans are demons” Psalm 95:5

New Age occult Cosmic Humanism has infused and spiritualized secular materialism, transforming it into an agency for the transmission of ultimate values and revelations from the unseen realm….the ancient pagan gods and goddesses—fallen powers and principalities. As a result, in the space of a few short decades, occult pagan spirituality has made profound inroads. 

Its upsurge manifests itself in the form of everything from UFO channeling cults, ghost-hunting, necromancy, goddess worship, shamanism, light-bearers, spirit guides, goddess worship,Enneagram, transcendental meditation, ‘new’ contemplative prayer (a Buddhist model), labyrinth walking, yoga, Wicca, revitalized Norse paganism, the annual Burning Man Festival (now televised), satanic pedophilia, and the proliferation of Satanic cults.

From England to Australia, from New Zealand to South America, Canada and the United States, occult New Age spirituality is quickly becoming the West’s dominant orthodoxy.

This being the case, political fixes and Republicans in control will not cure what ails America because Americans, by and large, are spiritually diseased. This means our primary battle is spiritual, for we are not “contending against flesh and blood, but against the (evil spirits)….against spiritual wickedness in the high places.” (Eph. 6:12)

Occult spirituality always surfaces at the end of a civilization. It heralded the end of Babylon, Rome and the Aztec civilization. It came at the end of the medieval world and now it has come at the end of the post-Christian West, a social order that has attempted to sustain itself without God.

During Rome’s darkest, most evil hours, early Christians — thousands of whom were cut in half, used as human torches, and crucified upside-down — nevertheless successfully forced occult forces underground, thus allowing for Christendom and later on America to arise.

America is the West’s last best hope. But do contemporary Christians and like-minded Americans possess the undying faith, unfaltering courage, love of Truth, rock-solid conviction, perseverance and will to engage this spiritual war?    Linda

Jonathan Cahn, The Stream, 9/14/22

A specter is haunting America. It lurks in its halls of government, its media, its television, its computer screens, its classrooms, its culture, its children. It is the invisible agent transforming America into something completely other than it ever was. The mystery is deep. And the specter is ancient. In an earlier age, it destroyed nations and empires. It has now set its sight on America. If it has its way, it will mean calamity for our nation. It is the specter of the gods.

Something is Happening to America

What is happening to America? It is a question that can be heard across our land, in every corner of our culture, from the right to the left, from Republicans to Democrats, conservatives to liberals, the religious and the secular. Something is happening. What was once considered to be wrong or evil is now celebrated, and what was once considered to be right and good is now condemned as vilified, even cancelled. Ideas and practices are now taking hold which, in past days, would have been considered madness.

For any culture or civilization that has once known God — such as America — and turns away from God and His ways, the end will be worse than the beginning.

The nation that once prided itself as the city on a hill, a light to the world, the world’s last hope, and a beacon of moral good upon the nations, is now the world’s greatest producer of pornography. It blankets the earth with pornographic images it had once condemned. Other nations now see America as a force of moral corruption to be guarded against. The nation that once saw itself as the upholder of marriage and biblical and Christian values is increasingly waging war against those values to the point of censoring the words “man” and “woman” and instructing its little boys that they may actually be little girls and, in time, surgically altering them. What happened to America?

A Metamorphosis Described as Paganization

As I began my research and preparation needed in writing my latest book, The Return of the GodsI came upon a mystery from ancient times with a warning that now applies to America — and all of us. It reveals that what America is now undergoing is a metamorphosis that is best described as paganization. And unless America changes its course, the damage will be irreversible and will lead to calamity.

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The phenomenon of paganization can be seen everywhere. What we hail as progressive values are, in reality, the pagan values of ancient times. What we celebrate as liberated sexuality is, in reality, pagan sexuality. Our treatment of children, even of the unborn, goes back to the treatment and sacrifices of the ancient pagan world. And what we now deem as our enlightened view of gender is, in actuality, a pagan view of gender that goes back to the rituals and practices of ancient Babylonia. Even the doctrine of “wokeness” that now permeates our culture is, in reality, a reviving of the pagan worldview that there is no one truth, but a diversity of truths, everyone creates their own “authentic truth,” — the idol and god of their own creation.

Chilling Implications

As I opened up the ancient inscriptions of Sumer, Babylon, Mesopotamia, and the Fertile Crescent, as well as the records of Scripture, I discovered that the phenomenon now transforming America and the West goes even deeper and contains even more fascinating if not more chilling implications. What we are witnessing is not only a matter of paganization but the reviving and unleashing of destructive forces or spirits, that which were viewed as “the gods” in ancient times. They lie behind everything from the destruction of marriage, the explosion in addiction, the altering of gender, and the killing of millions of our most innocent.

A Most Dangerous Juncture

What is happening to America? Something very deep. Where is it taking us? The answer is frightening and calamitous. Two thousand years ago, Western Civilization was cleansed of paganism and such darkness by the advent of the Gospel. But the Scriptures contain a warning. Jesus spoke of a man delivered of spirits who was then repossessed of them. Taken in its largest application, this story carries an ominous warning for America. For any culture or civilization that has once known God — such as America — and turns away from God and His ways, the end will be worse than the beginning. The darkness that was driven out will return to repossess the fallen nation. For such a civilization or nation to turn away from God and the Christian faith is a most dangerous thing. Just look at the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. The Gospel was a protection. When it was removed, the result was demonic and catastrophic.

But the warning now applies to America. We are at a most dangerous juncture. It is for that reason I knew it was critical and the crucial moment I had to write The Return of the Gods. We have gone from “one nation under God” to “one nation under the gods.” And there now remains only one hope for our nation and for each for us. Without it we are lost…

We must return to God.

Jonathan Cahn is the author of the new book The Return of the Gods (Charisma Media, 2022). He has written many bestsellers, including The HarbingerThe Harbinger IIThe Mystery of the ShemitahThe Book of MysteriesThe Paradigm and The Oracle. He leads Hope of the World, an international outreach, and the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey.

5 thoughts on “The Gods (Evil Spirits) Have Returned (and America is Being Paganized)”

  1. All true.
    In a way, the poor response to the situation we’re facing is understandable, since it’s so unprecedented. No one knew what it was.
    The previous generations fought against those who pretended to be something they were not: the Commies pretended to be “good” while the Nazis pretended to be superior men. Both were evil.
    Today’s situation was comparable in many ways to both the above and was often compared to them as such. But at this later date, we find it’s something vaster than them both when we see the wholesale reversal of good and evil, right and wrong, and everything else that comprises good moral character. The Americans who are still decent, who abide by the law and the Constitution, are not part of that wholesale reversal and retain their good moral character, their honor, and the integrity which upholds Truth and Justice under the law.
    Unfortunately, the swiftness of the assault on our humanity overtook many who didn’t have the resources within themselves to resist it and they became “fundamentally transformed” by it, as Obama once put it. So then, the transformed and the not-transformed found themselves at complete odds with each other: Christian culture against pagan culture.
    The poor response to this attack on the American Way of Life may be due to those who haven’t yet recognized the true nature of this assault, are confused, and don’t respond forcefully to it. Then again, they may not have the integrity to recognize any truth and are themselves “fundamentally transformed” into being something they’re not, like pagans are, which is nothing human.

  2. I think I can add that being “fundamentally transformed” means a transformation from human to demonic, which is nothing human.

  3. We can call it paganism if you like, provided we keep in mind that underlying that paganism is demonism, which is the false idols at odds with both God and humanity.

  4. We can also mind that many of their leaders who are outright Luciferians will take a consciously diabolical approach to humanity, not the merely unconsciously demonic one of their followers. Their diabolical means are intended to work toward an non-human end.
    We’ve seen their non-human ends before in Communism and Nazi-ism. We can add Islam to the mix since Allah has no heart. There is no truth in Islam either, only “Allah says”.

  5. Related to the lack of truth in Islam, I read an account (sorry I don’t recall where) in which St. Thomas Aquinas journeyed to the Holy Land to learn about Mohammedanism. He was treated cordially enough so that he could inquire of their Islamic scholars. When he returned he said that Mohammedans had no conception about what truth was. Apparently, Mohammed didn’t know either what Absolute Truth was. That explains why the Koran is inconsistent from its beginning to its end and also why it’s so brutal. Allah doesn’t forgive so-called sins, he punishes them in this life. And he rewards those who punish and kill for him. The funny thing is, that’s what Mohammed himself would do to those who wouldn’t serve him, which can be called fascist supremacism, lacking all humility. Where’s the spirituality in that?

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