Prayer: Against the Enemies of Our Souls

DEI, more accurately UIE, Uniformity-Inequity-Exclusion, is spreading its tyranny throughout our society, in government, in the military, in classrooms, among air traffic controllers, in the pilot’s cockpit, among physicians and nurses, in the surgery theater.” Ardel Canaday, Former Visiting Professor of New Testament at Grace Theological Seminary; Professor NT & Greek – Retired, Works at Christ Bible Church of St. Paul

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is an ideology spawned by Cultural Determinism, the linchpin of Cultural Marxism, the parent of Identity Politics, Critical Race Theory, Victims Advocacy, group solidarity, and other contemporary ideologies. In its turn, Cultural Determinism was spawned by the anti-Christ, anti-creation Darwinian idea that man is a soulless hominid evolved from apes, thus his racial identity is determined by skin color, sexual appetites, and gender fluidity. As the soulless hominid is a product of nature, he is fully caused and determined, meaning he does not have free will and is not responsible for whatever he does, whether good or evil.

As Darwinian Cultural Determinism is the antithesis of the Word of God it rejects the Biblical concepts of creation ex nihilo (Gen. account); imago Dei (man as God’s image bearer),mind, morally informed conscience, and free will; the one created human race; the two created sexes: man and woman; Adam and Eve’s fall into sin; and man’s personal accountability to his Creator for his sins. All of this, according to revolutionary Darwinian ideology, victimizes helpless hominids, thus is hateful and evil. Just as Jehovah is evil, so are His Church, and His children, and the world will be paradise when it has been purged of these evils.

As Darwinism has nearly replaced the Genesis account throughout our land, even in certain seminaries, and churches, and Woke Cultural Marxism and its evil ideological offshoots have spread their poisonous tentacles into the minds of millions of Americans, thence into our institutions and society at large, it was bound to happen eventually that white people, especially faithful Christians, would be demonized, scapegoated, and excluded based on the fantasy from hell that white people are genetically evil:

Last year, the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teacher’s conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “micro aggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disruptive texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” (Subversive Education: North Carolina Largest School District Launches A Campaign Against Whiteness in Educational Spaces, Christopher Rufo, The Atlantic Journal, Mar. 17, 2021)

When seminarians, politicians, academicians, Critical Race theorists, teachers, librarians, military generals, and victims advocates, and other Cultural Marxists peer through the serpent’s sinister ideological lens of Darwinian Cultural Determinism they see our homeland and its foundations, its institutions, schools, and churches corrupted and made evil by ingrained white racism. Then this illusory ‘data’ is used to tell Christian bakers , florists, parents, and churches what is required for ‘racial reconciliation’ and schools, libraries, hospitals, military, and politicians how to purge our society of ‘white privilege,’ ‘white oppression’ and ‘whitewashed curriculum’ that is doing ‘real harm to our students and educators.’

Darwinian Cultural Determinism and its ideological offshoots posit a utopian need for the purging of evil ‘whiteness’ from our society because with the purging of the genetically white race, heaven on earth will be achieved.

The foundations of Darwinian Cultural Determinism consist of a mixture of ancient and modern mythological elements ranging from pagan materialism and mystical Eastern pantheism, to dehumanizing anti-creation Darwinism, evolutionary biology, scientific racism, a hierarchy of races, and sinister Frankfurt School constructs. Underlying all of this stinking swamp is the poisonous Marxist view of traditional American society and traditional middle class Americans who support it as fascist, authoritarian, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, mentally ill, and in every way more evil than Hitler’s Germany.

In our time, the last bastions of orthodox Christian faith and conservatism are being invaded by the serpent’s poisonous system of utopian Marxism and Transhumanism, two perennial utopian heresies that from Cain in the pre-flood world to our own age has been man’s, “second oldest faith,” man’s “great alternative faith,”…its’ promise is “Ye shall be as gods.” Its vision is “the vision of man without God,” of “man’s mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world,” of “man’s liberated mind…redirecting man’s destiny.” (Whitaker Chambers, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H Nash, p. 92)

Transhumanism’s Great Reset and Cultural Marxist’s Culturally Determined utopianism proclaim an inescapable choice between two evil faiths: God or man, Freedom or the Great Reset and Marxist utopianism, soul or utopia. Both come together on the four sources of evil, the Triune God, His Church, His children and all white racists.

Let us go to our Lord in prayer against the enemies of our souls:

“Look mercifully, O Good Shepherd, on Thy Flock; and suffer not the sheep that Thou hast redeemed by Thy precious blood to be torn to pieces by the assaults of the devil. For in Thy holy name we pray. Amen” Sarum Collect

O Lord our God, do not be far off in these terrible times of evil but come quickly to help the sheep You have redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb. Deliver us from Satan, evil Powers, and legions of demons and their wicked human puppets who kill, steal, and destroy our land, pervert our children, poison the minds of Americans, crucify Christian pro-family, pro-lifers and Constitutional supporters and attack us as though we are evil. Come Good Shepherd and rescue us from the enemies of our souls: evil, violent men who sharpen their tongues like serpents, plan evil things in their hearts and continually gather together for war. You have saved us from evil in the past. Rescue us now O Lord! Crush Satan and his evil legions, and destroy poisonous lies like Darwinism and all revolutionary politics (ideologies). Throw down the wicked who do the bidding of Satan here in America and throughout the West, let Your justice fall heavily upon them. You have heard us when we cried out to you in the past. Hear us now, for we have made our plea in Jesus’ name. Amen.


2 thoughts on “Prayer: Against the Enemies of Our Souls”

  1. DEI, or UIE, is the worst code of human ethics ever devised by man, just like its Marxist predecessor. It always fails due to its human origin which horribly skews fair and just ethics into a meaningless, subjective, and lawless stew.
    This is the ethics that comes from a children’s playground, children who are all narcissists of course.
    It shows how horribly misguided men can be without God’s lawful, and adult, guidance.
    And Amen to your prayer, that God may forcefully intercede and hopefully show them the error of their ways and to repent of them. If not, then may God have mercy on their misbegotten souls.

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