Powerful Members of Congress are Dead-Set on Killing UFO Transparency


Since 2020, no fewer than 10 former government officials, military officersand scientists, along with a former senate majority leader, have alleged (or suggested) publicly that the U.S. government has recovered advanced craft of unknown origin — that is, UFOs. 

Nearly all of these individuals also claim that the government transferred multiple craft to defense contractors for scientific and technical analysis.

Key members of Congress, drawing on testimony from dozens of whistleblowers, appear to find these extraordinary allegations credible.

Bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) aimed to establish a process with the ostensible goal of revealing the existence of “non-human intelligence” to the public. But the legislation, which is co-sponsored by three Republican and two Democratic senators, is now in jeopardy.

In comments yesterday on the Senate floor, Schumer stated that “House Republicans are also attempting to kill another commonsense, bipartisan measure passed by the Senate, which I was proud to cosponsor… to increase transparency around what the government does and does not know about unidentified aerial phenomena.”

According to reports, Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, are leading efforts to prevent any meaningful version of this provision from being added to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act.

Members of Congress generally clamor for enhanced government oversight — a core function of the legislative branch — and transparency. So what could cause a small group of influential lawmakers to suddenly resist it?

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Powerful members of Congress are dead-set on killing UFO transparency

3 thoughts on “Powerful Members of Congress are Dead-Set on Killing UFO Transparency”

  1. I’ll have to adopt the Missourian’s view which says, “show me”. I’m convinced that no off-world aliens have ever evolved anywhere since nature itself doesn’t evolve life, neither here nor anywhere else. Darwin was dead wrong, as the DNA story has revealed.
    So why do they put out these phony UFO stories? And why do only government officials have possession of these “UFO’s” when private citizens could just as easily have them too? I’d say they’re a phony government conspiracy. They have no such spacecraft. I’d say it’s all a propaganda stunt, probably aimed at fooling foreign nations who also claim to have them too.

    1. UFOs exist but are not space beings from deep space or man-made stunts. They are fallen Powers engaged in spiritual warfare and collection of souls.

  2. In fact, there’s no reason to believe that DNA could exist anywhere but on this earth.
    Again, DNA does not evolve, it just replicates. When mutations do occur, they’re to a lower degraded state, not to anything higher.

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