Peter Boghossian Says We Should Burn the University System to the Ground. (Video)

Prager U, Jan 03, 2024

Peter Boghossian taught at Portland State University until he saw how DEI turned our education system into social justice factories where grievance and division are the only outputs. While Peter and PragerU CEO Marissa Streit disagree on some issues, they find common ground on the fact that our education institutions need to be abandoned and started anew.

1 thought on “Peter Boghossian Says We Should Burn the University System to the Ground. (Video)”

  1. I don’t know where to enter this extended conversation, since so may points are covered.
    I can pick two right now:
    Yes, social justice in academe is not and can never be a solution to anything since it doesn’t solve anything it addresses with its untruths.
    The reason some people, atheists, fall for it is because it inflates their ego, their sense of self. Any arguments to the contrary are an assault on their fragile egos which causes them to respond with false charges.
    Christians don’t fall for it because they don’t have inflated egos to defend. They rely on divine Providence, just as the Founding Fathers did.

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