ScapeGoating: Satanic Means of Harvesting Souls for Hell

There can be few experiences more traumatizing than suddenly becoming an alien in your own land. The primal fear of the hate-fueled mob coming to get you, burning torches in hand, runs through our human DNA.” Nowhere Man, Thomas Buckley, Brownstone Institute, 5/31/23

From ancient times, scape-goats—innocent human sacrifices– have been required by evil serpent gods and goddesses in back of pagan mobs to take the blame for the societal and familial chaos and breakdown caused by the sins of others.  

Of old, scapegoating has been utilized by people, both individually and collectively, who imagined they could cleanse themselves of personal guilt through projection of their sins onto a scapegoat. However, scapegoating is a trick, a diabolical deception of Satan and fallen powers. Satan is the father of lies, thus scapegoating is actually a means of harvesting souls for hell since souls are never cleansed of their sins at all, and when they die in their sins they go to hell.

When our Lord and Savior willingly sacrificed Himself on the Cross for the sins of all people, He became the Ultimate and Final Scape-Goat, thus, human scape-goats were no longer needed, at least not in Christian lands.   But with the fading of Christian influence and then repaganization of what were once Christian lands, the door was thrown open for return of evil spirits:

Then it goes and collects seven other spirits more evil than itself to keep it company, and they all go in and make themselves at home. The last state of that man is worse than the first—and that is just what will happen to this evil generation.”    Matthew 12:45   

And so, with the return of fallen Powers, Principalities, and demons Satan’s scape-goating deception was re-instituted in a small way at first, but became full blown during the pandemic with middle class white conservatives and faithful Christians in the role of scapegoats.  This is why they are brazenly branded with terms like insurrectionists, terrorists, deplorables, homophobes, racists, and so on.

As the compulsion to scape-goat grows stronger and more urgent under the influence and direction of evil spirits, sacrificial human scapegoats will be required to atone for the spread of lawlessness, chaos and breakdown throughout America.

We are in the midst of raging spiritual warfare but the church doesn’t appear to be aware of what is really happening, so its reaction is either to hunker down and make itself as small as possible or to cave in and conform. Neither reaction will save it.  

2024@ Linda    

1 thought on “ScapeGoating: Satanic Means of Harvesting Souls for Hell”

  1. All true. The unsaved Godless man who doesn’t heed God’s Glad Tidings of Good Will Toward Men defaults to Satan’s wicked will to create minions on Earth who have the Devil to serve. They will not render unto God what is God’s, they will render evil in Satan’s stead.

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