Madness in America’s Evil Polis

There are but two kingdoms, the Kingdom of our Lord and the earthly kingdom of Satan, the psychopath and mad hatter par excellence. America’s Evil Polis exists in darkness in Satan’s earthly kingdom. where the minds of its citizens are influenced and controlled by the Evil One. This means their minds are darkened and often poisoned by the serpent.

Like their father many of them are mad hatters such as Bill Gates whose latest scheme to fight climate change requires the deforestation of 70,000 acres of America’s western forest land and then the burial of the thousands upon thousands of trees. This madness will go a long way to fight climate change claims Gates.

Shortly after publishing America’s Evil Polis a raging mad hatter showed up to blast me for being a pro-life Christian fascist. Like Gates he too is wildly insane. According to him, women should be free to abort their babies because human life does not begin at conception since LIFE created the zygote. This mysterious LIFE existed before conception and it is this mysterious LIFE (not human life) that continues after conception making it okay to abort the inhuman baby.

It must be assumed that this mad hatter is not human but a walking, talking body animated by the mysterious LIFE that should have been aborted but was left to LIVE. Perhaps he/it is a pod person animated by LIFE? Scary thought!


8 thoughts on “Madness in America’s Evil Polis”

  1. Yes, this mad hatter’s mind is wildly scrambled, no doubt due to the world, the flesh, and the devil. We know that the terms “Christian” and “fascist” are mutually exclusive.
    Fascism has always associated with the totalitarian Left’s Communism, Naziism, and Socialism, all of which attacked Christianity. Fascism too is all about the state, which Christianity is not. Christianity is about freedom from the state.
    He calls you a fascist because the Left’s political terminology has no word for “evil”. He wants to call you evil but the only word he has for that is political – fascism.
    He can’t recognize the evil that is abortion because his mind only accepts political terms – Leftist ones.
    And his biology is not biological either, it’s science fiction.

    1. A very apt analysis, Carlos. His mind is so unhinged he imagines that what he spouts is pure logic.

  2. abortionists share the same ideology as nazism (eugenics) and satanism (child sacrifice) but still think they’re on the side of right and human “rights”. Now wrong is right though and evil is good etc

    Here’s my new song I thought I’d like to share with you Linda

    a one off can’t be faked
    are you a masterpiece or a mistake?
    in the Masters hands I could break
    He’s the Potter I’m the clay

    the rotters
    don’t let them tell you
    youre an ape
    made by mistake

    Gods portrait of you don’t repaint
    evolution can’t explain
    in the Masters hands I could break
    He’s the Potter I’m the clay

    the rotters
    don’t let them tell you
    you’re an ape
    made by mistakes

    in the Masters hands I could break
    He’s the Potter I’m the clay
    in His hands I could break
    dont let them tell you “you’re a mistake”

      1. How odd! When I clicked on your Gab Groups link above, I wasn’t blocked like I was in previous attempts. My previous attempts required me to turn off my VPN, but not this time. ???
        I could connect to the New Zealand page too!?
        Now I’m undecided whether I can post in two places.

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