Judges 21:25 and Isaiah 5:20

In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.  Judges 21:25

In those days, as in our own, there was no Higher Authority to which everyone must submit.  Each person was then and is now, his or her own authority, thus, barbarism, lawlessness, chaos, violence, broken trust, systemic lying, economic breakdown, looming famine and other disasters, plus excesses of vengeance were then, and are now, the order of the day. 

Barbarians have fallen deep within the disordered passions of their own souls and imagine they are not men and women, as the Lord created them, but 100’s of alternative genders identifiable by pronouns. With all of these alternative genders some desire that children be taught that pedophilia is an innate sexuality. (1) Others imagine that the energy they worship, meaning evolution, has become aware of itself, and because it is at work in AI, then AI is sentient. (2) So rather than Reality, we dwell in dark fantasia where madness rather than sanity reigns. Rather than light there is darkness. In place of sweet there is bitterness for they call evil good and good evil. (Isaiah 5:20) 

In Israel’s time the dread lessons of calamity were fully learned until the nation was ready to submit to God. Western civilization is not Israel however, so as it falls ever deeper into barbarism, superstition, and insanity under God’s Judgment, we know not its end, so we pray unceasingly for His mercy that rather than an end there might be a new beginning and brighter days.   Linda

  1. Queer’ Academic Suggests Pedophilia Be Taught in Schools as an Innate Sexuality, Genevieve Gluck, Reduxx, 6/9/22
  2. Google Engineer Goes Public to Warn Firm’s AI is Sentient After Being Suspended For Raising the Alarm: Claims It’s Like a 7 or 8 Year Old and Reveals it Told Him Shutting it Off ‘Would Be Exactly Like Death for Me,” James Gordon, Daily Mail, 6/11/22

3 thoughts on “Judges 21:25 and Isaiah 5:20”

  1. No, pedophilia is not innate, it’s a learned behavior caused by poor parenting, like LGBT is as well. This academic doesn’t know who B.F. Skinner is whose book was about that.
    AI is nothing but a computer program based on ones and zeroes that only knows what’s fed into it. All AI knows about death is computer simulations of it. To AI, death simply means “game over”. It can be rebooted and it starts again, unlike real death.
    Nevertheless, AI could be a very serious virus, acting as a bot, which could infect other computers if fed those logarithms.

    1. If the engineer heard right, meaning AI ‘spoke’ to him, it’s because an unseen evil spirit is speaking through it. AI and Metaverse pose no obstacles to evil spirits.

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