Globalism Must Be Destroyed

JB Shurk, American Thinker, 9/23

Americans are pessimistic about the future.  They also view past decades more favorably than they do the present one.  The “land of opportunity” is gone.  The “American dream” is gone.  What remains is a fading memory of what America used to be without an underlying promise that its erstwhile preeminence can be restored.

This pessimism is not peculiar to those living inside the United States.  A growing body of research shows that national populations around the world are depressed about the future.  Billions of smartphones, exponentially multiplying digital entertainments, and social media platforms connecting millions each minute are evidently not creating sufficient conditions for human optimism or happiness.

Diagnosing why eight billion people are miserable is no easy task, but there is an obvious culprit that has surely contributed to our global malaise.  Globalism, as the increasingly dominant governing philosophy — if not pseudo-religion — of the planet, is inherently antagonistic to both individual self-determination and the natural bonds formed within families and tribes.  When every human is encouraged — if not mandated — to act strictly for the “common good” of the global population, then those preferences that advance an individual’s, family’s, or nation’s unique interests must be undermined.  

Powerful institutions as varied as the United Nations, World Economic Forum, BlackRock, and even the Vatican all demand an essentially borderless world, in which the peoples of any nation are encouraged to migrate freely into others.  Decades of mass migration, primarily in the West, have resulted in not only an explosion of ethnic enclaves existing somewhat autonomously inside host nation-states, but also the fracturing of common civic bonds that once loosely united those nations’ native peoples.  When citizens or political parties have fought back against policies of uncontrolled immigration, globalist-minded authorities have been quick to demonize their own citizens as racists; xenophobes; or, more recently, purveyors of “hate.”  Even more devastating for afflicted populations, assimilation is now scorned.  Rather than encouraging new residents to adopt the language, customs, and traditions of their adoptive land, governments have chosen to prioritize the cultural identities of recent transplants over the historic identities of the nation states they now call home.

Nationalism is derisively equated with the worst atrocities of last century’s German Nazism or Italian fascism, while its Enlightenment Age achievements in organizing similar peoples into self-sustaining regions peaceful enough to encourage technological innovation, economic growth, and relative political stability are entirely ignored.  Westerners are browbeaten with globalism’s sister philosophies of “multiculturalism” and “diversity for diversity’s sake” to the point that even declaring oneself a proud Englishman, Dutchman, German, or — Heaven forefend! — Russian can quickly lead to the “offender” being branded a “racist” who must be “retrained” to reject “hate.”  Is it any wonder, then, why the Olympic Games are waning in popularity, when Westerners are regularly conditioned to believe that love for one’s nation must be expunged from the human race?

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1 thought on “Globalism Must Be Destroyed”

  1. They’re all correct, both the author and the commenters, in recognizing a new form of the Red Menace. But none apparently see the malevolent spiritual/religious impulse called Oneism as described in the previous article, an impulse denying the laws of Nature and of nature’s God.

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