For Christendom: Overcoming the Spells of Dark Magic in our Society

 joshjenkins116, Every Thought Captive, Aug 30, 2020

There was a time in my life where I bought the line of thinking that said it was better for American Christianity to die so that Christianity could really thrive in persecution or total secularism. That was dumb. In Russell Moore’s book Onward he talked about how the cultural Christianity in the Bible belt of America is falling, so we should let it fall and burn, and clap our hands about it. As it turns out, Russell Moore said that not because He wanted to replace cultural Christianity with Biblical Christianity, but because he wanted to replace cultural Christianity with democratic policies. Unfortunately, there was a time where I actually taught through this book at my church in Sunday school many years ago. For that, I am sorry. 

Obviously we want all the things that are not Christian about American Christianity to die, but we don’t burn down the actual Christianity in the process. Or America. Christians are reformers, not revolutionaries. Christians are to reform and build upon what was handed to them, not burn it all to the ground because someone somewhere who had a part in building it was a big bad meanie. That’s what the little Marxists do.

The fact is, for all you young Christians who think it’s cool to criticize the cultural Christianity of what’s left of the Bible belt (of whom I once was), cultural Christianity filled with false converts is better than total secularism. That is not to say that cultural Christianity filled with false converts is the end goal, it is to say that it’s better than total secularism where nobody professes to be a Christian. Yes, we can say that some things are better than other things. This is one of those things. Now let me substantiate.

Cultural Christianity filled with false converts is better than total secularism because total secularism is demonic. There is actually no such thing as secularism. It is a myth. Religious people cannot be secular, and we are all religious people, like it or not. It’s not a matter of religion versus non-religious. It’s a matter of which god you will serve. So when a society goes “secular,” it often goes demonic. It is interesting to note that Hollywood elites claim to be so modern, scientific, rational, etc. They mock orthodox religion and the supernatural, yet they participate in Satanic cult rituals. Now, when some of that gets out from time to time, they will deny the supernatural and call it expressions of art; but calling it art doesn’t change what it is: barbaric paganism.

Secularism rejects the True and Living God, but not religion. So it must embrace other gods. Often it is the demonic. This is a growing phenomenon in the West. Secularism has produced a society that rejects the True and Living God, but not demons (although they will not always call them demons).

As our society goes more and more secular, and thus demonic, the Church must be prepared. We must embrace the supernatural worldview that the Bible presents without embarrassment or apology. There are more demons and angels at play in the events of the world than we could ever realize. Unlike the secularists, we don’t just believe demons are real. We also believe in angels. And those angels are commissioned by the thrice holy God of Heaven and Earth to be some of His agents in this world. Of course, its not just about angels vs. demons. It’s about the God-Man, the enfleshed Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth. At His command demons must go. We must remember that one of the signs of the Kingdom of God is the casting out of demons. I’m not talking about exorcisms, I’m talking about the earth. One of the reasons the West hasn’t seen as much visibly supernatural demonic activity as other parts of the globe, is because there have been lots of Christians and churches here professing the name of Jesus Christ. If that lessens, we cannot be surprised if the demonic returns.

Despite the dark days we may be entering into, we must remember that the light has come into the world, the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. His name we confess.

As Western Christians we must embrace the supernatural worldview of the Bible because that supernatural worldview prepares us to overcome demonic times; but we must recognize it for what it is. I recommend you read On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius to hear him describe how the gospel of the Kingdom overcome the demonic in his time.

We are not dealing with scientific people who are committed to the facts and will be persuaded by the laws of logic. We are dealing with people who have religious commitments. One example is the abortion clinics. There is plenty of footage online of Christians ministering outside abortion clinics where a “doctor” (or better yet, a witch doctor) comes out and literally acts like a demon toward the Christians. I’ve seen doctors do things like hiss, scream, and shout a single word repeatedly, along with strange physical movements like they are being tossed around like a rag doll. Watch a video like that and you will quickly see that saying “hey, don’t you know you will kill your baby if you have an abortion” will only make the demons lash out and say “yes and I love it!” Evil laugh, torturous screams, and all.

So if they have their religious commitments, we must have ours. We should’ve stuck to ours in the first place, but there is still time for repentance. Christians must reject the humanistic, materialistic, Darwinian worldview, under which the demonic hides. As the society throws off the last vestiges of Christian culture and worldview, it will embrace its own demonic worldview hiding under these innocent sounding terms.

What is the demonic worldview? It is a worldview based upon superstition and dark magic. Their doctrines and values are not based upon objective truth or laws of logic, but upon superstition. Now, because the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, they will not call it superstition for that would be too embarrassing. Instead, they will steal from the Christians and call it “science.” And they will call their dark priests who administer this supersti- I mean science – the “professionals.” The “professionals” and “experts” are the priests because they have the special knowledge between the source of their superstitious science and the people. They are the mediators between this special knowledge and the people. No one else can know what they know unless you go through their special religious ceremonies to be ordained (licensed) and approved by the board of elders. So listen to the professionals you peasants!

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1 thought on “For Christendom: Overcoming the Spells of Dark Magic in our Society”

  1. This is an excellent explanation about why secularism can’t be secular, meaning “godless”. There will always be the attempt to substitute God with other “more authoritative” earthly sources, presumably science. But then science is faked to create fake crises of many kinds in order to alarm and thereby manipulate people – “Never let a crisis go to waste” ~ Rahm Emanuel.
    Fake science is also used to justify anti-human evil intentions such as abortions. The practitioners of such fake evil science can well be demonically inspired.
    The gods behind secularism conjure up evils.

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