EXPLOSIVE REPORT: FBI Agents Infiltrated Catholic Churches…soon they’ll come for all faithful churches

Comment by Linda: It isn’t that all Catholic Churches are deemed terroristic by our ‘woke’ (pagan) FBI. Certainly heterodox Progressive Catholic Churches affirming the green pagan orthodoxy—God as She, evolution as origin account, social justice, reproductive rights (abortion/population control), LBGTQ+ marriage, Drag Queen theologians, Climate Change, and the like are not domestic terrorists. No, it’s the orthodox Catholic Church standing upon the faith once given while simultaneously against ‘woke’ paganism that is viewed as domestic terrorists.

If the FBI is not held accountable for infiltrating the orthodox Catholic Church, it will infiltrate all faithful orthodox Christian churches, be they Baptist or Reformed Presbyterian, for example, and no faithful orthodox church will be safe.

Todd Starnes, 4/10/23

The House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed FBI Director Christopher Wray for documents related to an FBI operation to infiltrate Catholic churches and develop sources.

The subpoena comes amid the House GOP effort to conduct oversight of the Biden administration’s alleged weaponization of government against political dissent or opposing views, including the FBI’s “handling of domestic violent extremism investigations against Catholic Americans,” House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, wrote in a letter to Wray on Monday.

Jordan’s committee reports that documents have revealed the FBI sought to develop sources in local Catholic churches, as it sought to use local religious organizations as “new avenues for tripwire and source development,” according to a Monday news release highlighting the subpoena.

“Based on the limited information produced by the FBI to the committee, we now know that the FBI relied on at least one undercover agent to produce its analysis, and that the FBI proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to develop sources among the clergy and church leadership to inform on Americans practicing their faith,” Jordan’s subpoena letter read. “This shocking information reinforces our need for all responsive documents, and the Committee is issuing a subpoena to you to compel your full cooperation.”

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EXPLOSIVE REPORT: FBI Agents Infiltrated Catholic Churches

3 thoughts on “EXPLOSIVE REPORT: FBI Agents Infiltrated Catholic Churches…soon they’ll come for all faithful churches”

  1. Pingback: FBI Agents Infiltrated Catholic Churches…soon they’ll come for all faithful churches | Headline of the Day

  2. This mimics what the CCP would do, even to installing state-approved bishops. This goes far beyond what the FBI was created to do, which is to enforce existing laws and perhaps seek out Communist subversion. It was not created to harass churches like Communists do.

  3. This is beginning to remind me of that Waco, Tx fiasco when the David Koresh church was attacked for allegedly possessing automatic weapons. Then there’s Ruby Ridge fiasco where FBI sharpshooters murdered innocent people.
    This time, they don’t need a justification of weapons, just political incorrectness to involve the FBI.

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