The Great Reset: Clearing the Way For a New World Order and New Mystery Religion 

What used to be a Christianity-infused nation is fast driving out anything Christian-related…What will fill its place? We are creating a new national religion that is broadly a copy of the same religion being formed in other western nations…It is a new paganism…disguised as being no religion at all… portrayed as the progressive movement toward a utopian society. It is much like the old versions, seen in animism, Hinduism or Greek/Roman religions. There is a proliferation of gods and associated idols. There are respected priests and temples (and)rituals to be observed. The state will endorse certain elements of the religion, and rejection of this religion is seen as being incompatible with one’s cultural identity. In fact, refusal to pay homage invites the wrath of the spirits or gods, and so people who won’t bow the knee must be excised from society for the safety of everyone else. Perhaps this paganism can tolerate our subversive faith, but only if we keep quiet and hidden.” Samuel Lindsey, The New Paganism, Caldron Pool, 11/2/22

The Great Reset is ushering into existence a New World Order and a modern global Mystery Religion revamped and revised for an age of evolution, science and technology.

In the classic work “Earth’s Earliest Ages” (1876), G.H. Pember (1837-1910), an English theologian, witnessed the beginning of this new Mystery Religion. Today, he said, we see men “of this nineteenth century” returning to the occult wisdom traditions of “long past, and modern thought sustaining its flight upon the wings of ancient lore.” Almost every characteristic,

“…. of antiquity seems to be returning. Open intercourse with demons is being renewed on a vast scale in the very heart of Christendom….numerous circles are carrying on magical practices (and the) ancient Mysteries (are being restored together with) mesmeric healings….astrology….and other practices….And, impossible as it would have seemed a few years ago, all these ‘superstitions’ are floating back….upon the tide of ‘modern thought.” They come no longer veiled in mystery, “but in accordance with the spirit of the age, present themselves as the fruit of science…progress….and evolutionary philosophy.” (Earth’s Earliest Ages, G.H. Pember, pp. 243, 245)

Today anti-creation evolution and the ancient occult pagan lore undergirding it is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion,

“…a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint – and Mr [sic] Gish is but one of many to make it – the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today…. Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity.” Michael Ruse

The New Mystery and Its Two Circles. 

From antiquity, Mystery Religions were comprised of two circles. There was a large outer circle consisting of the popular pagan evolutionary religion and its masses of unenlightened worshippers.    

Then there was a small inner, very secret circle, the sanctuary of secret gnosis.   The secret knowledge concerned ‘god,’ or ‘ reality’ which in fact was no god at all only an impersonal, anthropomorphized energized divine substance, a serpent powered advaita monism.  

The inner circle was also the privileged inner sanctum of illuminated swamis, gurus, temple priests, necromancers, magicians, and other occult mystics who served the nation’s god kings such as Nebuchadnezzar or Tutankhamen, for example.  God kings were both mortal rulers and earthly representatives of the advaita monism (god), thus they were divine deities or god men energized by the serpent power of ‘god.’ To them was given by ‘god’ the divine birthright to rule, hence they ‘god’ on earth.     

As was the case with ancient mysteries so it is that global Transhumanism and the modern and already popular evolutionary ‘ green’ religion being formed throughout America and other Western nations also centers around an inner circle. This circle is sanctioned by scientism (the will of man speaking through science), technology, a divine one substance (Lucifer) and evolution (serpent power). The inner circle is therefore the sanctuary of science and technology gnosis; the secret knowledge of reality and/or god.  

The inner circle is global in scope with the UN containing a pyramid shaped Meditation Room where globalists open the doors of their minds through mind-emptying meditation to receive serpent power from the advaita monism (Lucifer) depicted on the capstone.  

As with the shape of ancient mysteries, the modern inner circle is the place of divine rights god kings such as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and dynastic banking families.  

Surrounding the god kings are their advisers… techno-scientists and occult mystics and seers such as Sadhguru, a yogin god-man and WEF spiritual adviser who has millions of worshipful followers.   Another important adviser is Yuval Hariri, a WEF guru who ritually practices vipassana meditation which originated with Buddha.  Like Sadhguru, Hariri has great numbers of entranced, worshipful followers among rank and file Globalists and national oligarchy and ruling class alike.    Both men are perceived as possessors of amazing salvific wisdom, or deep gnosis.

The Great Reset 

The Great Reset is the destructive power of chaos deliberately unleashed upon the hated Old Order grounded in Christianity together with its defenders. Weaponized chaos destroys what must be destroyed in order to clear the way for the rise of a New World Order.

New World Order

That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.”    Ecclesiastes 1:9.

In his well-researched book, “New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies,” William T. Still reveals an ancient plan that has been hidden for centuries deep within secret societies. The Plan originated in preflood Atlantis and is designed to bring all of mankind under a single world government—a New World Order:

This plan is of such antiquity that its result is even mentioned in the Bible–the rule of Antichrist mentioned in the Revelation of Saint John the Divine.” (Introduction)

Still quotes Luciferian Mason Manly Hall who claims that a super-secret society “superior to the Masonic Order was the backbone of not only the ancient civilizations of Greece, and later Rome, but also the civilizations of Islam and the Mongol empires.” Hall calls this super-secret group the “order of the Illumined Ones,” the “Order of the Quest,” or the “order of the Ancient Philosophers.”

Illumination is mystical inspiration from the demonic realm invoked by the performance of occult rituals. Among occult rituals there is, for example, use of substances such as DMT, peyote cactus, LSD, Tantric Kundalini Yoga and ritualistic human sacrifice.

Whereas in the past babies were ritualistically sacrificed by being burned to death in Moloch ovens, today they are scientifically murdered and vivisected for their valuable body parts. Then there is mass human sacrifice during the 20th and 21st century’s where sacrificial victims were industrially gassed, burned in ovens, starved to death, and slowly killed via death injections, for example.

For American and Global Luciferians, the destruction of the United States and all upright souls plus all who call Lord Jesus savior will be the supreme act of worship to Lucifer.  

The Good News is, the New World Order and its architects, both human and demon, are already defeated and everyone who trusts in the crucified risen Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of their souls are already victors over the Evil One and his demonically illumined minions.


Revised and updated Mar 23, 2023

3 thoughts on “The Great Reset: Clearing the Way For a New World Order and New Mystery Religion ”

  1. The worship of creation elevates the pot above the potter. The foundation of existence is not existence. It is that which has brought existence into being.
    We are creatures in a universe not of our own making. We do not have the power of creation. We can not build up and we cannot tear down what God has made. Our vain efforts are the stuff of madness.

    1. Thé bible puts it simply “can the pot say to the potter “you did not make me”?”
      Yes the pot can, but the pot is then absurd.
      Now the pots get together and say “we made the potter” and they all agree and rejoice in their new found freedom but at that moment they crack.
      Next the cracked pots grow to hate and resent the potter so make up a new creator which is a volcano “praise the volcano they say, the one who made all cracked pots, creating us out of fire and chaos” and they force all new pots to be fired anew in the fire and chaos and be cracked like them.

      The moral of the story, pots should acknowledge the potter and be used for their intended purpose, to be treasured vessels in the potters house.
      But are some pots always destined to be worthless and cracked? and can a cracked pot be made whole and useful again?

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