Destroying the Family: Your Children Belong To Us

Dr. Peter Jones, TruthXchange, 6/7/23

A few years ago, a beautiful young woman named Yeonmi Park, escaped into China from North Korea, where people are arrested for religious crimes and face detention, forced labor, torture, sexual violence, and death. Eventually, she came to the United States, where she enrolled as a graduate student at Columbia University. Here are her thoughts about her graduate experience: 

The things that I was learning at Columbia really shocked me because it was the exact same thing that my North Korean teachers were brainwashing me in the classroom. At Columbia University, they were literally saying that all the problems that we have is because of capitalism, because of white men, and the solution for all these problems is a communist revolution in the name of equity.[1]

She dubbed her alma mater a “pure indoctrination camp” and said that many of her classmates at New York City’s most elite school were “brainwashed like North Korean students are.”[2]

The story continues. Some students at Syracuse University objected to Yeonmi Park’s invitation to address a gathering hosted by the Syracuse College Republicans. They called Park a liar and tore up her promotional flyers.[3]

Similarly, during an April 12, 2023 meeting, the Associated Students of Whitworth University voted 9-4 against hosting Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of Maoist China, on campus, due to her anti-woke tweets.[4] Van Fleet, who immigrated from Maoist China to the U.S, draws parallels between the Chinese Cultural Revolution and what she calls the “Woke Revolution,” according to a description of her book Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning. The students objected to her tweets because they “were fearful of her bringing views to campus that would be hurtful or offensive.”[5]

Ironically Columbia University (see above) was home of the neo-Marxist “Frankfurt School” in the 1930s, whosemission was to end the influence of Christianity in the culture. The “long march through the institutions” includes the neo-Marxism of a modern radical Left that are transforming our universities into one-party indoctrination and recruitment centers for CRT and Wokism. Current success figures: 82% of university faculty members are leftists, 16% are moderates and only 1.4% are conservatives. “Republicans make up 4% of historians, 3% of sociologists, and a mere 2% of literature professors.”[6] It is little wonder that a majority of students dislike America and its free market system.

Have we come to the point at which American college students will not believe the impassioned warnings of those who have escaped from communism? Are our students so brainwashed that they deny history? Perhaps this is what Obama meant when he said: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” (October 30, 2008).[7]

This popularization of Marxism has been documented by three non-Christian academics: James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose and Peter Boghosian, two of whom co-authored the popular philosophical book, Cynical Theories. They state: 

Though we didn’t understand the (Marxist) Gramscian, Maoist, Marcusian strategy of the Long March through the Institutions or its mechanisms at the time, we certainly could see the fruits of it in operation in the corner of scholarship we targeted. In short, through the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, the halls of academe were increasingly filled with neo-Marxist and postmodern activists who reliably place their social and political prejudices ahead of any pursuit of truth, … Our universities have become increasingly insular seminaries for a neo-Gnostic cult religion that passes itself off as social science and theory. Entire institutions, including national governments, huge mega-corporations, global NGOs, the entire establishment media apparatus, and most terribly our universities and schools are wholly in thrall to the fraudulent ideology we exposed. In our time the worst of our kind dominate and control almost every lever of authority and power in our land.”[8]

These seemingly abstract ivory tower ideas have had real and nefarious effects in our culture on a practical level, particularly in what progressivism is doing to the family. The attack on the family is not simply an expression of godless secularism. Marx and Engels argued that the nuclear family performs ideological functions for Capitalism and teaches passive acceptance of hierarchy. The family is also the institution through which the wealthy pass private property to their children, thus reproducing class inequality. According to Engels, the monogamous nuclear family only emerged with Capitalism and so must be destroyed.[9]

The debate rages in many places. Take, for example, the Republican walkout in the Oregon Senate on May 3, 2023. Floor sessions were stalled over Republican resistance to far-left legislation that would allow minors to have abortions and access transgender drugs and procedures without parental consent. The conservative author of the article states: “the normative family, the mother and father sticking together for the sake of the children, is the only possible basis for a safe and successful society.” [10] A child changing his or her gender identity has major long-term medical and psychological ramifications. Parents should know, and have an opportunity to be involved in, such an important aspect of their child’s well-being.

The progressive extremists, on the other hand, believe that the nation’s children belong to the state. Parents should just “shut up,” as a Democrat New Hampshire state legislator put it. They want to take over the impressionable minds of the parents’ kids to indoctrinate them with gender identity and critical race theory dogma. These extremists’ aim is to destroy the nuclear family.

Richard Pipes, Emeritus Professor of History at Harvard University, posits that “the totalitarian state aims at obliterating all distinctions between itself and the citizenry (society) by penetrating and controlling every aspect of organized life.”[11]  Robert Knight Senior Fellow for the American Civil Rights Union and a columnist for the Washington Times would no doubt agree with Pipes, for on April 16, 2023, Knight said, “We are, indeed, in a titanic battle of worldviews. One of them will refloat America’s economy guided by the Constitution and America’s heritage, and the other will sink it like a rock.” We see the attempt at division and even indoctrination in our schools and communities. College professor and MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry says your children are not yours—they are owned by the community. “We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” she says from her position as professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this, we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.[12] This same reasoning has been brewing in our culture for a long time, as we remember from Hillary Clinton’s It Takes a Village.

This goal is not that of secular humanism but of the specific ideology of Marxist theory. Marx and Engels were committed to the destruction of the Western family. Theologian Jerry Newcombe states that “America is a grand experiment, encapsulated by an idea which flies in the face of Marxism: self-rule under God. Remove either part, the ‘self-rule’ or the ‘under God’ (as our internal and external enemies would like to see happen) and we would no longer have America as founded…It would seem that we are faced with a choice of two options for our national future: revival or ruin.”[13]

The Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog group, obtained documents showing that a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program, previously meant to fight terrorism, is now funding a group whose work has explicitly targeted Christian, conservative, and Republican organizations using federal taxpayer dollars. In his presentation, one of the leaders of this program, Dr. Michael Loadenthal, professor at Loyola University, Maryland, boasted openly that “a lot of things we’re doing are illegal” and “a lot of it involves breaking the law.”[14] Invoking Marxist and Postmodern theory, he justifies the wrong doing as necessary because “hate speech is more than speech. It’s materiality. It’s organizing. It’s mobilization. It’s not an exchange of ideas in the marketplace and the best one wins. It’s something else. It’s the strategic deployment of organizational energy and power.”[15]

With this methodology, employed in government organizations, anything, including the Marxist destruction of the family, can be justified. This is what is understood by equity.

Our children are certainly under attack from the LGBTQ ideology. Popular stores like Target and Walmart are marketing “gay clothes” to children. The “drag queen story hour” is proposed to children in many public libraries. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, friend of Jeffrey Epstein and visitor to his island, has invested tens of millions of dollars into a radical nongovernmental organization called the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). It is endorsed by the WHO that is pushing for young children to be considered “sexual beings.” “Sexual activity may be part of different types of relationships, including dating, marriage, or commercial sex work, among others,” IPPF said, concerning what children under 10 should be taught. They should also be told: “As you grow up, you might start to be interested in people with diverse gender identities.”[16] Our children are under fire from Queer theorists, who are not silent about it.

The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sings: 

“We’re coming for your children…

We’ll convert your children 

Happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly 

And you will barely notice it…”

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Destroying the Family

1 thought on “Destroying the Family: Your Children Belong To Us”

  1. There’s no question in my mind that they’re out to destroy American culture and that they’re going all-out to do it. Those doing it wittingly- the cultural Marxists – are using the self-righteous unwitting useful idiots to do that.
    Just look at San Francisco to see the results. The voters there are not overtly Marxists but they’re so stuck on their own self-righteousness that they vote for Marxists who appear righteous and who ostracize genuinely righteous American culture. Marxists are not righteous, they’re demonical doing what demons would do. Sexual perversion is just one of those.

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