Elemental Spirits: Ancient, Modern, Evolutionary

“ChatGPT’s implied message: “Your time is almost up. If you really want to continue your reign as the dominant species on Earth, here’s your challenge. Try to control me and my kind, or step aside.” Pandora’s box has been opened and will likely never be shut again. As a result, life on earth is about

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UAPS and False Realities of the Darkened Mind

“…at least part of what the witnesses experience is “staged”: the UAP sometimes evokes archetypal, symbolic imagery directly in the witness’ mind to convey a feeling-laden metaphorical message, which transcends the objectively measurable characteristics of the phenomenon.  (UAPS and Nonhuman Intelligence: What is the Most Reasonable Scenario? Bernardo Kastrup, The Debrief, 1/6/24) We are dealing

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The UFO Phenomenon—Growing and not Going Away! Is it the next great challenge for the church?

Gary Bates,, 1/24 Gavin C. from the UK sent an insightful email to CMI’s resident “UFOlogist”, Gary Bates. Gary’s reply is below Gavin’s original email. Dear Gary,Thanks once again for your book Alien Intrusion. I’ve been reading quite a lot recently, I’ve gone through Tim[othy] Good’s books, now I’m comparing it with what Missler & Eastman have

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Powers or Extraterrestrials?: Tucker Carlson Believes Reported ‘Aliens’ are in Fact ‘Not Aliens’ but Spiritual Beings

‘It’s my personal belief, based on a fair amount of evidence, that they’re not aliens. They’ve always been here. I do think it’s spiritual,’ Carlson said regarding whistleblower reports of UFOs. Emily Mangiaracina: 12/23 (LifeSiteNews) — The popular conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson recently shared his belief that the non-human beings the U.S. government has reportedly

Powers or Extraterrestrials?: Tucker Carlson Believes Reported ‘Aliens’ are in Fact ‘Not Aliens’ but Spiritual Beings Read More »

Prayer: The Crucified Christ and Fallen Powers in Our Time

“Marxism is not an ordinary sinful human ideology. It is Satanic in its manner of sinning, as it is satanic in the teachings it purveys. Only in certain circumstances has it openly avowed its Satanic character.” Richard Wurmbrand, Marx and Satan, pp. 65-66 Communism and Nazi Socialism were God-hating, civilization destroying, genocidal NWO movements coordinated

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The Descent and Sacrificial Fall of Lucifer and the Rise of Global Luciferian Religion

“All the…large and small nationalities are destined to perish…in the revolutionary world storm… (A general war will) wipe out all…nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only reactionary classes…but…reactionary peoples.” (“The Magyar Struggle,” Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Friedrich Engels, Jan. 13, 1849)  The

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Who Were the ‘Sons of God’ in Genesis 6?

Gary Bates, Probably the most often-used and controversial passage of Scripture by pro-ETH (extra-terrestrial hypothesis) UFOlogists is the account of “the sons of God” and their resultant offspring, the Nephilim. The description in Genesis 6:1–7 reads: When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of

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John 8:32: The Devil, Big Bang, Evolution, Extraterrestrials and the Genesis Problem

One of the devil’s greatest achievements in our age of biological science and evolutionary thinking has been to convince natural science-and-evolution worshipping Westerners to believe that all that exists is the evolving universe of matter and energy (naturalism). The only problem, and it’s a really big one because unresolvable, is that though evolutionists have tried

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Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Gnostic Physicists, Space Brothers

Modern pagans who ridicule Christians for believing in God are also the ones who place their faith in ancient dog regurgitation revamped and revised for today. Truth will set us free. In this case, when truth reveals the superstition, stupidity, and demonic underpinnings of what passes for ‘enlightenment by science (magic science or scientism)” they

Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Gnostic Physicists, Space Brothers Read More »

Are Aliens Real? Do UFOs Exist? Astrophysicist Reveals Why These Things Aren’t What They Seem, and Can Seem So ‘Terrifying’

Billy Hallowell, FaithWire, 8/23 Are aliens real? Do UFOs really exist? These questions, once relegated to the confines of conspiratorial enterprises, are now legitimately being pondered among some scientists, academics — and even in the halls of Congress. It’s an issue Dr. Hugh Ross, an astrophysicist and apologist, has long researched and explored. “I became a UFO

Are Aliens Real? Do UFOs Exist? Astrophysicist Reveals Why These Things Aren’t What They Seem, and Can Seem So ‘Terrifying’ Read More »

The Devil, Extraterrestrials, and the Genesis Problem

Linda Kimball One of the devil’s greatest achievements in our age of biological science and evolutionary thinking has been to convince natural science-and-evolution worshipping Westerners to believe that all that exists is the evolving universe of matter and energy (naturalism). The only problem, and it’s a really big one because unresolvable, is that though evolutionists

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ALIENS and the BIBLE – Are We Alone?

Ring them Bells, 8/23 Our Government says they have answers. As Christians we now need to have a biblically based response. Are Aliens in the Bible? We have designed this video to help give language to this tough topic. This video is dedicated to the late Dr. Michael Heiser – @DRMSH He used his scholarly

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Luciferian New Age Spirituality, Carl Jung, Abraxas, Baphomet, and Evolution

Linda Kimball It is no exaggeration to say that the highly respected psychologist, Dr. Carl Jung, is the father of neo-Gnosticism and the New Age movement, which is why Dr. Jeffrey Satinover remarked,   “One of the most powerful modern forms of Gnosticism is without question Jungian psychology, both within or without the Church“. (Satinover, The Empty Self, p. 27)   

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Doctrines of Demons, the Modern Pagan and Pantheist Antithesis; ‘God’ of Void

Linda Kimball The Biblical worldview posits two interfacing dimensions, the spiritual and material.   Man for instance, is a soul or spirit embodied in the physical matter of a body.   Against this, philosophical materialism posits one dimension, the material or physical, and teaches that all that exists is what can be known to the

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