The Peace Sign: Occult Symbol Meaning Hatred and Death to Christians

“War is peace.”  George Orwell, 1984 Signified by the peace symbol, September 22 is hailed as International Peace Day. According to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) the peace symbol was designed more than sixty years ago by an English professional artist/designer named Gerald Holtom. Today the highly successful motif appears on everything from children’s clothing, to […]

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Why Secular Liberals Actively Promote Evil

“If they weren’t so dangerous and destructive, one could smile and pat the Modern Liberal on the head and tell him how cute he is and go on about the business of being an adult. But he is dangerous and destructive, with the True Believer’s very purpose being the total destruction of everything that God

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How and Why Intolerance, Hatred, Madness, and Totalitarianism are Strangling America

To America’s founding generation, sex had nothing to do with fleshly eros but with what people really are. Properly defined, sex is the soul-deep biological distinction between male and female, the property, “…or character by which an animal is male or female…” (American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster, 1828) Today however, a spirit

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Imagine There’s No Holy Creator God…only Darwinism

Karl Popper (1902-1994) was a British philosopher and professor at the London School of Economics. Because he is regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the 20th century, what he had to say about Darwinism is of utmost importance to the desperate worldview struggle fought between creationists and the spirit of godlessness

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Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Transhumanists, Gnostic Physicists

Is the world we live in a computer simulation in the minds of Robotic Overlords who are using humanity as playthings? This is the “scientific” theory put forward by a number of physicists and Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom. (1) Bostrom is one of the founders of the World Transhumanist Association. Transhumanism is a blend

Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Transhumanists, Gnostic Physicists Read More »

Demonic Darkness: America’s Invisible Wave of Evil

Today many intellectuals and modern theologians slavishly follow after whatever passes for current trends in scientific and evolutionary theory, thus they believe the Genesis account ex nihilo, the supernatural, the fall, miracles, the Resurrection of Christ, hell, angels, demons and possession are out dated concepts. Despite this, in 1967 Mortimer J. Adler, the guiding genius

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The Connections Between Baphomet and Why Researchers Are Creating Interspecies Embryos (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Writer Calvin Freiburger reports on an alarming new development in biological experimentation: “…scientists have created a hybrid embryo comprised of human and monkey cells.” “Interspecies chimera formation with human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represents a necessary alternative to evaluate hPSC pluripotency in vivo and might constitute a promising strategy for various regenerative medicine applications, including

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Why Transgenderism is Being Forced Upon America and Our Children

“There is an almost unnatural push for transgenderism – especially for children- from the left recently and you have to ask why. democrats make it sound like utopia but it is anything but…  professionals are using the myth that people are born transgender to justify engaging in massive, uncontrolled, and unconsented experimentation on children who

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Utopianism and Why Proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Word Became Flesh, is Offensive

Citing recent polls, Dr. Peter Jones notes that most young people “have graded Christianity, and so far, the grades aren’t looking good.” Young believers do not want the name “Christian” because of “the baggage that accompanies the label.” The most ethical, humane movement in two thousand years of Western history is now covered in abject

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