Will Godless America Be Transformed by Occult Greens into A Mystical Pantheist God-State?

“Despite the U.S. media not giving any time, attention, or discussion to the rise of farmer protests in Europe, everyone should pay attention because the same climate change goals being enforced in the European Union (EU) are coming to North America. The global food manipulators within the World Economic Forum (WEF) have established the farming […]

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Gods of Sex

Dr. Peter Jones, TruthxChange Why is the LGBTQ agenda now proudly affirmed as a valuable lifestyle choice? Why must kindergarten children be taught how gays think and act? Why does Disney risk losing the parents of their young customers by promoting the LGBT agenda in its movies? Why are there huge annual pride parades in

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Evil Spirits, Death of God, Satanic Inversion: Pagan America’s ‘ Reality of Madness, Demonic Bondage, and Non-Self

In the wake of the insurrection against Jesus Christ the Word of God that began during the Renaissance eventuating in the proclamation of His death and cataclysmic eruptions of fire, brimstone and rivers of blood during the 20th century, ex-atheist Alexander Solzhenitsyn said the world had never before known, “…godlessness as organized, militarized, and tenaciously

Evil Spirits, Death of God, Satanic Inversion: Pagan America’s ‘ Reality of Madness, Demonic Bondage, and Non-Self Read More »

How Socialism Connects to Sexual Perversity

Socialism, like Communism and Global Transhumanism, is built on an evolutionary origin account that says everything existing came from a distinction-free, gender-free, morals-free blob of matter. In this view there is no God, only man; no right way, no wrong way, truth, no up, no down. This is why the very worst of our kind

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Isaiah 59:15…When Truth Fails and There Is No Fear of the Lord

“Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.”   Isaiah 59: 15, KJB There is no fear of God anywhere in the West or here in post-Christian, pagan America. Neither is there any truth that has not been covered over in

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Extinction Rebellion, Handmaiden of Technocracy–Psychopath Globalist Elites

ER is a prime example of what Lenin contemptuously described as ‘useful idiots.’ Useful idiots are true believers of the Big lies, small lies, propaganda (more lies), and ideological promises (more lies) spun by total control seeking psychopaths. At the top of the global pyramid are psychopaths who unknowingly do the bidding of their own

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Judgment and Wrath: the Biblical Explanation for Madness and Evil

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche predicted that the death of the Christian God would unleash madness that over time would eventually infiltrate every area of Western and American life. That time is now. In 2013, AP award winning columnist Richard Larsen described American culture as warped and twisted with few core values and a perverted

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Gnostic Progressive Leftism and Global Transhumanism’s Eternal Equality in Hell

Researchers of the genesis of modern Progressive Leftism say the movement first arose during the Renaissance as a rejection of the Christian church and the Biblical God in favor of  ancient  pantheist occult-magic science, esoteric Cabbalism, Ancient Mystery Religions, Luciferian Gnosticism, Egyptian Hermeticism, Satanic Theosophy, Roisicrucianism, Anthroposophy, alchemy, Buddism, Karma, evolution, reincarnation, Tantric sex-magic, the Eternal Return, and more. 

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America’s Transformation Into A Mystical Pantheist God-State

What the Death of God Has Wrought “The announcement of the death of God was the obituary of a useless single-minded and one-dimensional norm of a civilization that has been predominantly monotheistic, not only in its religion, but also in its politics, its history, its social order, its ethics, and its psychology. When released from

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Sorcery and Chaos Magic in Woke Pagan America

“You shall not commit murder; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not corrupt boys; you shall not commit fornication; you shall not steal; you shall not practice magic; you shall not practice sorcery [farmakeusein]; you shall not murder a child by abortion or kill a newborn infant.” (Didache 2.2)  Godless pagan America is an unsafe land teeming with murder and

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I am Nature, the Mighty Mother, I am the law; ye have none other. I am the flower and the dewdrop fresh, I am the lust in your itching flesh. I am the battle’s filth and strain, I am the widow’s empty pain. I am the sea to smother your breath, I am the bomb,


Contending for the Faith in an Upside Down Post-Truth Culture

In a culture that is upside down, believers are to stand for, defend, and proclaim the truth no matter how unpopular that may be. By Abraham Hamilton III, American Family Association, Cited from A Crooked Path, April 26, 2022 In man’s continuous effort to try to supplant God’s purposes and instructions and replace them with

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Albert Jay Nock: Isaiah’s Job

Mises Institute, 6/21/08 One evening last autumn, I sat long hours with a European acquaintance while he expounded a political-economic doctrine which seemed sound as a nut and in which I could find no defect. At the end, he said with great earnestness: “I have a mission to the masses. I feel that I am

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Message to All Weary Truth-Tellers: Let Isaiah Be Your Inspiration

We do not know nor will we ever know while in this world who the Remnant are.   Two things only can we know about them: they exist and they will find truth-tellers.    The lesson for truth tellers is this: trying to convince wholesale numbers of people that they are going the wrong way will fail because they

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To All Truth-Tellers: Let Isaiah Be Your Inspiration

We do not know nor will we ever know while in this world who the Remnant are.   Two things only can we know: they exist and they will find truth-tellers.    The lesson for truth tellers is this: trying to convince masses of people that they are going the wrong way will fail because they do not possess

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