America’s God-Hating Pagan Ruling Elite Hate Christians and Blame Them for America’s Problems

David Kupelian, WND News Center

Every day, good and decent Americans watch incredulously as the Biden administration implements its certifiably insane agenda – deliberately creating ruinous inflation, destroying America’s oil, gas and coal industries, engineering a full-scale foreign invasion of America across our southern border, encouraging violent crime from coast to coast, enabling an epidemic of fentanyl overdose deaths (fentanyl now being the No. 1 cause of death for young Americans 18 to 48), weaponizing the FBI to harass, threaten, arrest and incarcerate Trump supporters as though they were violent criminals. And so on.

Most disturbing of all is today’s unprecedented drive to groom, seduce and recruit America’s innocent children into the dark transgender world of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, surgical amputation of healthy body parts, lifelong internal conflict and astronomical suicide rates. This unholy attack on America’s kids has become a national craze, with the full backing – and funding – of the Biden administration.

But get this. Alongside all this unfolding degradation, tragedy and societal destruction, something else remarkable has recently occurred: The very same political, cultural and sexual revolutionaries responsible for today’s unprecedented chaos in America have finally dared to “come out” and publicly identify exactly WHO they consider to be their biggest enemy.


That’s right. For years they’ve beaten around the bush, condemning everyone from “Trump supporters” to “white supremacists” to “the unvaccinated” to something called “QAnon.” Some of their attacks have been staggeringly stupid – like branding parents as “domestic terrorists” for complaining at school board meetings about teachers brainwashing their 6-year-olds with Marxist critical race theory. It has seemed, mysteriously, that somehow every decent, patriotic, traditionally minded American these days is being demonized as a “violent extremist” for one reason or another.

And yet, there’s always a sense that our ruling elites have been holding something back – that they haven’t been speaking plainly about what’s REALLY bothering them.

Until now.

Finally, the Left has grown sufficiently brazen – and perhaps desperate – to openly identify the one group they consider to be the TRUE AND ULTIMATE enemy of America, and that is biblical Christians.

Consider a few recent major media stories:

* “With the Buffalo massacre, white Christian nationalism strikes again” – The Washington Post

* “The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response” – The New York Times

* “White Christian Nationalism ‘Is a Fundamental Threat to Democracy’” – New York Magazine

* “How Christian nationalism paved the way for Jan. 6” – Religion News Service

* “Christian nationalism on the rise in some GOP campaigns” – The Associated Press

* “‘The View’ co-host blames ‘Christian nationalism’ for mass shootings” –

Suddenly, bandying about an arcane academic term virtually no one used until recently – “Christian nationalism” – big media and Democrats are falling over each other to blame all of America’s problems on “Christian nationalists” (or “White Christian nationalists” or “White nationalists” or “Christian fascists” or “Christian fundamentalists” or “the Religious Right”). In rapid succession, virtually the entire leftwing media has taken to hysterically warning about CHRISTIANS:

* “It’s becoming increasingly clear that the United States is under siege by Christian fundamentalists and traditionalists,” warns MSNBC’s Ja’han Jones.

* “Christian Nationalism Is The ‘Single Biggest Threat’ to America’s Religious Freedom,” announces the Center for American Progress.

* “[The Republican Party is] a movement dedicated to imposing White Christian nationalism,” insists the Washington Post’s former token “conservative,” Jennifer Rubin.

* “If Christian Nationalism isn’t essentially domestic terrorism, then I don’t know what is,” opines Cari Marshall of the Texas Democracy Foundation, who goes on to explain the treacherous methods of all those violent Christian extremists: “They simultaneously weaponize the Bible and the Constitution to justify their wanton disregard for the views and safety of others and their insatiable lust for weapons and violence.”

How can a term almost no one has heard of, let alone used, until a few weeks ago – “Christian nationalism” – suddenly become the face of “fascism in America,” “domestic terrorism,” the root cause of “mass shootings,” and the “single biggest threat to America.”

Allow me to translate.

What’s really happening is the radical left’s fear and loathing of Christianity – you know, the faith that made America the greatest nation in history, the once-widespread belief that the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount are the basis for a good life and a strong, healthy, truly decent society – that hatred is now boiling over. Their problem is, they can’t just flat-out attack Christianity by saying, “We hate Christianity and Christians!” That would be too transparently perverse and evil, not to mention stupid, even for them. So, they add the word “nationalism” – and sometimes the word “white” – to dress it up with some sketchy racist-sounding associations.

In truth, to the hard Left, Christians are racists … and Nazis, and terrorists and fascists. (Or as Biden recently called conservatives during his Sept. 1 speech, “semi-fascists.”) In reality, what’s actually going on is that the Left has always been at war with Almighty God and His laws and His ways. They are in perpetual rebellion against the Creator of the Universe, because Marxism – by definition – amounts to hatred and rejection of God so that human “saviors” can create paradise on earth – with them in charge, of course. That, in turn, always ends up being hell on earth, with the 20th century being the bloodiest century in human history, thanks to the very types of God-rejecting utopians who currently want to rule America.

Today’s finally-out-in-the-open hatred of Christianity and Christians explains a great deal – including the unprecedented censorship, vilification, demonization and cancellation of genuinely conservative, Christian, pro-American voices in today’s America. Which of course includes the ceaseless attacks on WND, America’s original independent online Christian journalism organization, now in its 26th consecutive year of 24/7 operation.

2 thoughts on “America’s God-Hating Pagan Ruling Elite Hate Christians and Blame Them for America’s Problems”

  1. Mr. Kupelian is is completely right. Of course the God-haters can’t allow a Savior of the World and all that follows to exist since they themselves are vying for that position. Protracted lying is their preferred means to their “politically correct” ends, where progressive “social justice” is actually “social despotism”, no dissenters allowed.
    That’s the delusion that the demons have instilled in them in the absence of God’s providence, protection, and blessings. That is what accurses and damns them to Hell.

  2. It’s become clearer to me now that there’s no such thing as cultural Marxism since Marxism ignores that idea. Marxism is expressed exclusively in Leftist politically ideological terms so that what’s Christian culture to us is reduced to Christian nationalism to them.
    They’re attacking America’s Christian cultural roots by calling it Christian nationalism.
    Yes, they hate anything that bespeaks of God including the Constitution which affirms our God-given rights.
    We need to translate their false politicized jargon into our own American language to arrive at the truth because they don’t speak that language.
    Like Satan, there is no truth in them either since they abide by politically ideological lies only. Having abandoned God, He has abandoned them to the wiles of the Devil, whereupon their characters are so low and corrupt that they can’t see they’ve lost their humanity and become inhuman monsters best described as demonic.
    Only God’s intervention can help them now because they can’t be reached by words of truth.

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