Abp. Viganò: Everyone Will Face God’s Judgment, Even the Architects of the Great Reset

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, 1/9/23 (LifeSiteNews) – The following is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s Epiphany message. VIDIMUS STELLAM EIUS IN ORIENTE Homily of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ Et adorabunt eum omnes reges terræ;omnes gentes servient ei. Ps 71:11 PRAISED BE JESUS CHRIST This solemn day is sanctified […]

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The ‘Good Club’ – Billionaires Meet in Secret to Discuss the ‘Nightmarishly Over-Populated World

NE—NAKEDEMPERORSUBSTACK Clandestine meetings, involving some of the richest people in the world, to discuss how the world is over-populated sounds like a good plot line for a new book or film, doesn’t it? Some of the most powerful people in the world don’t sit around a table discussing how to change the future of the

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John MacArthur: When God Abandons a Nation By John MacArthur Romans 1:18-32The Wrath of God is admittedly not a popular subject. But it is an absolutely critical and central subject to any understanding of the gospel. Now there are a number of different aspects to the wrath of God.  There is what we could call eternal wrath, because it is the punishments

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America’s Transformation into a Mystical Pantheist God-State

“The announcement of the death of God was the obituary of a useless single-minded and one-dimensional norm of a civilization that has been predominantly monotheistic, not only in its religion, but also in its politics, its history, its social order, its ethics, and its psychology. When released from the tyrannical imperialism of monotheism by the

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The Return of the Divine Temporal Sphere, Baal, Transgender and Why Christians are Exiles in Modern Babylon

The return to Babylon presupposes the re-divinization of man and society. In this ancient way of viewing reality, the cosmos is god (the androgynous divine One Substance, Divine Mens, Super Consciousness, etc), earth is Goddess Gaia, the totalitarian State is likewise divine, earthly rulers are divine representatives, or Baals, of ‘god’ (Divine Mens, etc), evil

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Christian Life in a Modern Babylon (America’s Declining Empire)

Tony Felich, The Aquila Report, 12/26/22 One of the most difficult eras for the people of God in the Old Testament is when they found themselves in exile many miles away from their homeland. A succession of world powers culminated with a vast Babylonian empire engulfing a weakened Israel. For the faithful of Israel, those

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Purifying the World of Evil: The Paradise Project and the Chosen

“Peter Koenig, formerly of the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) concludes that we are faced with “a clear eugenics agenda, mass depopulation, unprecedented.”  Murder They Wrought: Evidence is Conclusive: COVID Injection was Mass Murder, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, 12/29/22) Throughout the 20th century, pulling Paradise down out of the 3rd Heaven to earth

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Majority Slavery to Stupidity, Depravity, and Fear of Death Points to the Death of Western and American Civilization

“Leicester has become the poster city for multicultural Britain, a place where the stunning number and size of the minorities – the 55 mosques, 18 Hindu temples, nine Sikh gurudwaras, two synagogues, two Buddhist centres and one Jain centre – are seen not as a recipe for conflict or a millstone around the city’s neck,

Majority Slavery to Stupidity, Depravity, and Fear of Death Points to the Death of Western and American Civilization Read More »

Amillennialism: An Eschatology for These Last, Very Evil, Very Mad Days

Dean Davis, Come Let Us Reason, 12/13/22 Are we living in the last days? Yes, I know we are, for the Bible says that we have been ever since the Son of God came into the world to purchase our redemption (Heb. 1:1-2). But are we living in “the last of the last days”? Are

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The Golden Calf of the U.S. Imperial Administrative State, Its Intelligence and Security Arms, and mRNA Technology

Robert Malone, MD, LifeSite News, 12/23/22 (Robert Malone) — It is a cold, gray, rainy day here in Virginia along the base of the Shenandoah National Park. Winter is upon us. Somehow we need to blanket the pregnant mares, as the next few days are going to really get cold, and one should never blanket

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Bill Gates, WEF Sins of Presumption

A patent granted to Bill Gates– the self-appointed world health czar—awarded him the “exclusive rights,” “…to computerize human bodies and use them as local wireless networks. The human body is a vibrating, throbbing, pulsing gateway of tubes and tunnels, filled with electrolytes and all capable of transmitting information, the lifeblood of the internet and the 21st

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Bill Gates Patent Gives Him ‘Exclusive Rights’ To ‘Computerize’ Humans

Written by Wayside, Principia Scientific International, 12/9/22 A patent granted to Bill Gates awarded the self-appointed world health czar the “exclusive rights” to computerize human bodies and use them as local wireless networks The human body is a vibrating, throbbing, pulsing gateway of tubes and tunnels, filled with electrolytes and all capable of transmitting information, the lifeblood

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(Eph. 6:12) Transhuman Guru Yuval Noah Harari Targeting Our Children Through His New Book: Unstoppable Us

“But the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him.” 1 Samuel 16:14 Evil spirits are at God’s command to execute his will against the wicked, such as Saul.  When the evil spirit came to Saul he “became subject to fits of intense mental agony, under which his reason gave

(Eph. 6:12) Transhuman Guru Yuval Noah Harari Targeting Our Children Through His New Book: Unstoppable Us Read More »

The Unstoppable Evolutionary Juggernaut? Its Arguments Amount to Naught

by Philip Bell, There are various dictionary definitions for ‘juggernaut’ but they include: ‘A huge, powerful, and overwhelming force’2; ‘anything requiring blind devotion’.3 We might also think of a large, out-of-control lorry or truck leaving destruction in its wake. All of these seem appropriate ways of describing the way in which evolution and deep time beliefs

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Apocalyptic Winds of Nihilism Raging Throughout W. Civilization, the United States, and the Church

In our time Christian church throughout Western civilization, the former Christendom, and the former Protestant America, is withering away and breaking apart in raging apocalyptic winds of nihilism.      Nihilism can be seen in the shrugging of shoulders and heard in expressions such as “who cares?’ “so what?” or “what’s that to me?” Nihilism is a

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