The Fall of Mankind, the Religion of Evolution, and the Antichrist

In “Against the Heathen,” early Church Father Athanasius observes that pride and haughtiness preceded man’s fall into idolatry and paganism. A haughty spirit led them to make light of the higher knowledge of the Lord our God. Deliberately disregarding what they knew to be true they began to seek in preference knowledge of the lower […]

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Satanists Present a Chilling View of Religious Liberty

Comment by Linda: Though Satanists say they do not worship Satan, nevertheless, they are the human tools of ancient evil powers and principalities, the former gods and goddesses of the West. By name, these gods and goddesses are Moloch, the fire demon of death that consumed by fire unknown numbers of living babies. Then there

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The Triune God, Supernatural Heaven, Souls, Hell, and Demons, Do They Exist?

Rev. Robert Barron was chagrined, but not entirely surprised when he read Woody Allen’s ruminations on ultimate things. To state it bluntly, said Rev. Barron, Woody could not be any bleaker in regard to the issue of meaning in the universe. We live, he said, “… in a godless and purposeless world. The earth came

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UN Seeks to Decriminalize Child Sex, Sex Work, and Abortion

by Ken Ham on April 24, 2023, Ken Ham Blog No, I am not exaggerating or being salacious with the headline for today’s blog. The United Nations organization really does want sex with minors (they give no age limit to what a minor means!), sex work (including “pimping” out women and men), and abortion completely decriminalized. All this, and

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For Christendom: Overcoming the Spells of Dark Magic in our Society

 joshjenkins116, Every Thought Captive, Aug 30, 2020 There was a time in my life where I bought the line of thinking that said it was better for American Christianity to die so that Christianity could really thrive in persecution or total secularism. That was dumb. In Russell Moore’s book Onward he talked about how the cultural Christianity

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Global and Ruling Class Criminal Elitists: Their Pact with the Spirit of Death and Hell

Harper-Mercer wanted to die as a mass-murderer, said Pat Buchanan. And we’re going to have more of these massacres. Why? Because we rewarded Harper-Mercer for his barbarity in the currency he craved, the only currency he cared about: fame and immortality in this world: “In a de-Christianized America where no higher law exists, killing is

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The Serpent’s Gnostic Hiss

P. ANDREW SANDLIN, Culture Change, Apr 15, 2023 Gnosticism is an equal opportunity destroyer. Wherever this heresy goes in the church, it dilutes or destroys the Christian Faith. Wherever it goes in our society, it undermines Christian culture. Dear friends and supporters: At the core of the serpent’s diabolical appeal to Eve was the seemingly

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WORLDWIDE ATTACK ON CHILDREN: UN, WHO Call for Children to Masturbate, Use Porn The World Health Organization and United Nations instruct all kindergartens and elementary schools worldwide to teach toddlers masturbation, and tell young children to use pornography. School posters are widely distributed that encourage children to engage in homosexual activities with their classmates, and books are recommended that tell little kids about oral sex. In this evidence

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The Left’s Goal of Creating a “New Generation of Drag Kids”

Kevin Roberts, Ph.D.@KevinRobertsTX, The Heritage Foundation, Sept. 1, 2022 President, Dr. Kevin Roberts serves as the seventh President in Heritage’s 50-year history. KEY TAKEAWAYS From secret school Pride parades to teachers who look to young children for their gender validation, childhood innocence is under assault. There’s a clear goal of creating a “new generation of

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Blessed is the Man Who Does Not Listen to Falling Stars Following After Damnable Heresies

“Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Rev. 19:10)  “Who is a liar but he that denieth

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Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch, 1/24/23 Satan is real. Sin is real. The fall is real. And deception is real. But too many folks do not believe in any of these realities. As a result, they end up fully falling victim to them. They are bound by diabolical deception, and they do not even know it is happening. And this


Chaos, Breakdown, Demoralization, Destruction: America’s New Normal, How It Came About, Where We Are Going

“You’ll never get a clue what’s being done to, and within, this country from the complicit “mainstream” media. But a KGB expert who defected to the good guys was explaining it for us back in the 80s. Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us” Former KGB Officer Yuri Bezmenov Explains Our Four Stages, The Conservative Treehouse,

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How Socialism Connects to Sexual Perversity

By E. CALVIN BEISNER Published on June 27, 2022 via The Stream Why are many LGBTQIA+ people far more likely than “straight cisgenders” to be socialists? In Isaiah 5:1–5, God offers the start of an answer: Let me sing now for my well-beloved a song of my beloved concerning His vineyard. My well-beloved had a vineyard on a

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Luke 21: 29-31: Some Signs of America’s Abandonment and Spiritual Bondage

In our time Christendom is dead and America is rapidly transitioning from post-Christian to actively hostile ‘woke’ secular paganism.  America’s apostasy, subjectivism, idolatry, occultisms, pan sexuality, rampant abortion, drug use, sodomy, homosexual marriage, and other evils are  similar to those of the post-flood generation of Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah and Egypt.   Following the 2015 Obergefell v. Wade decision, Dr.

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Transhumanism is Here: But Utopia Has Failed to Materialize 

Mary Harrington, Unherd UK, Jan. 20, 2023 At an UnHerd event last night, columnist Mary Harrington and Oxford University AI ethicist Elise Bohan, author of Future Superhuman, came together to discuss transhumanism — the idea that human limits such as longevity and cognition can be pushed back using technology. Is this a utopian vision of a

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