
How Monsters Plan On ‘Managing’ The World’s Population

By Rabbi Chananya Weissman, Frontpage Magazine, 2/17/22 You know those articles from financial planners with their sage advice for people who want to get out of debt, increase their savings, or plan for retirement? Inevitably it boils down to two brilliant tips: Spend less. Earn more. That’s right, folks, if you want to have more money […]

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Infernal Apocalyptic Atmosphere Over America

A vast infernal spirit overshadows our land.  In its deepening darkness madness, wickedness, and evil run rampant throughout our land.   We see males as females, females as males, and humans identifying as Zi, Zer, and other such nonsense.  There is breakdown of family and society: thievery of every kind including inflation; terror and murder in the streets, systemic

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The Transcendent God, Third Heaven, Hell, and Demons: How Nihilists Will Know They Exist

Rev. Robert Barron was chagrined, but not entirely surprised when he read Woody Allen’s ruminations on ultimate things. To state it bluntly, said Rev. Barron, Woody could not be any bleaker in regard to the issue of meaning in the universe.  We live, said Woody, “… in a godless and purposeless world. The earth came into

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Non-Self Nihilists from the Void Demand Revocation of Conscience Protections

On Feb. 2, 2021, the Virginia House of Representatives passed a bill to remove conscience protections, “…for child-placing agencies, prompting worry that the state’s Catholic adoption and foster care agencies could be forced to shut down because of their views on marriage.” (Virginia House Advances Bill Repealing Protections For Faith Based Adoption Agencies, Catholic News

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Spiritual Darkness: America’s Death Spiral

Ed Vitagliano, AFA, 1/26/22 Our nation is clearly deteriorating as moral darkness threatens to overwhelm diminishing spiritual protections. Moreover, nowhere is safe from this spiritual darkness; it’s no longer solely inhabiting larger cities; it’s next door in small town and rural America. The Bible explains how this happens, because as it turns out, wickedness has

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Satan’s Kingdom and the Diabolical Darkness of Progressivism, Marxism, and Transhumanism

“There are two kingdoms in the world to date, two spheres of government: the government of God, and the government of Satan. They are mutually exclusive and antagonistic. Every man exists in one of these two kingdoms. You tonight are living in the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness. You’re living under the

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The Technocratic Reset and Utopian World Order: Why Proclaiming Jesus Christ the Word Became Flesh is Offensive

Dr. Martin Erdmann, a Senior Scientist at the University of Basel, Switzerland, researched the ethical implications of Nanotechnology and Transhumanism. Erdmann concludes: “Transhumanist philosophy promotes the idea of human enhancement by technological means. In its extremes, futuristic concepts like intelligence enhancement (up to “superintelligence”) using techniques like genetic engineering, psychopharmacology, anti-aging therapies, neural interfaces, wearable/implantable

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What is Evil?

During the course of the 20th century socialist and communist regimes brutally murdered tens of millions of men, women, and children in their maddened attempts at building the ideal society free from evil, especially the ‘evils’ caused by Jehovah God, Original Sin, the two created sexes, the procreative traditional family, ethical restraints, property ownership, and

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Utopianism and Why Proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Word Became Flesh, is Offensive

Citing recent polls, Dr. Peter Jones notes that most young people “have graded Christianity, and so far, the grades aren’t looking good.” Young believers do not want the name “Christian” because of “the baggage that accompanies the label.” The most ethical, humane movement in two thousand years of Western history is now covered in abject

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