America’s Death-Spiral: What It Presages

In the article, “Out of Control Inflation is Absolutely Eviscerating America’s Rapidly Shrinking Middle Class,” Michael Snyder describes America in process of suicide:

“If our leaders continue to recklessly create giant mountains of money out of thin air, will we eventually start to resemble Zimbabwe or the Weimar Republic?”  (Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 4/11/22)

Past technocrats described the suicide-spiral of America and the West as a great ‘crashing, booming, and banging.’ The death of the Christianized West and the United States has been in the making for about 100 years now. Plans were drawn, and seeds of destruction, madness, and evil sown by fellow travelers such as the Frankfurt School throughout our institutions (church, family, politics, education, media, music, science, etc). These evil seeds were taken into the minds and wills of Americans who then became a larger army of destructive seed. Many of them enlisted as change agents and community activists.

Generation by generation this death-inducing process has enlarged itself until madness, destruction, and evil undertakings are forcing America into a death spiral.

Watching and waiting in anticipation of the death of America are two groups of the wicked. One of them, godless global Trans-humans see the death of America and the West as the outworking of their Great Reset.

The other group–occult Satanic Globalists—stand in darkness. This group sees the death of America and the West as the necessary birth pangs of the antediluvian world order.

If placed within the context of the days of Noah, the systemic evils–chaos, deliberate breakdown of family, church, society, and obscene pan-sexual education taught to children, presages the coming of the Great Reset to godless Transhumans. But to powerful occult Globalists, it represents the return of antediluvian world order in our own time.

According to certain ancient Rabbis and Church Fathers, antediluvians had rebelled against God, had no higher authority than themselves, were violently killing each other, were killing their babies, men were marrying one or more men, the same with women, and were also marrying animals. Plus, having listened to fallen angels walking amongst them, they were practicing occult rituals in the belief that through these rituals they would become (evolve into) gods.

The NWO in process of arriving will present itself as the Great Reset. However, the Great Reset is but the hard road leading to the evil antediluvian world order that will be hell on earth as it was before the flood.

We must pray to our Lord that He not allow this evil NWO but smash Satan and the wicked human powers he is working through in order to bring it upon earth once more.


1 thought on “America’s Death-Spiral: What It Presages”

  1. We remain in the light and it’s articles such as this that educate, inform, and compel us to remain so.

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