America in the Holocaust: The Scientific Engineering of America

It isn’t surprising to see Russia prohibiting LBGT indoctrination. After all, Russia has already passed through the holocaust of madness (LBGT madness) and evil unleashed on it beginning with the Bolshevik Revolution entirely financed and controlled by Western/American deep-pocket NWO builders. Putin even took part in it long before he learned the truth.

Russia was the laboratory and her people the lab rats for the scientific engineering that killed millions of Russians and that has been re-engineering America and her people since shortly after WWII. Putin is no fool, he knows America is already within the holocaust Russia finally emerged from some years back.

So is Easter slated to be replaced with the Transgender Day of Visibility? Absolutely. The replacement is part of the scientific re-engineering of America. If transgender visibility day doesn’t work something else will. Count on it.


1 thought on “America in the Holocaust: The Scientific Engineering of America”

  1. I stated earlier that transgenderism appears to be losing its popularity. On that basis I think that it’s premature to think that it will replace Easter. It’s probably a ploy from the elitists to make us think that they’re winning when they’re not.
    It’s their propaganda war that they’re engaged in. All that matters to them is winning it.

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