Nihilism: The Apocalyptic Cosmic Hurricane Destroying America

” Christian religion is the religion of our country. From it are derived our prevalent notions of the character of God, the great moral governor of the universe. On its doctrines are founded the peculiarities of our free institutions.” (William McGuffey, d. May 4, 1873, professor at the University of Virginia, president of Ohio University, and author of McGuffey’s Readers)

Andre Comte-Sponville, one of France’s preeminent atheist philosophers agrees. In his New York Times bestseller, “The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality,” Sponville observes that even though Western and American civilization has become nonreligious it is nevertheless profoundly rooted in transcendent Biblical morality and traditions. 

 Most important of all, “We the People” as enshrined in the founding documents are people precisely because we are the spiritual image bearers of the personal Holy Triune God. Thus, our Constitutional rights are unalienable because from God, not man.

That overt and implied atheism has all but supplanted Biblical beliefs pleases yet simultaneously terrorizes Sponville as he knows that if Western civilization entirely ceases to be Christian it will fall into nihilism. And if we believe that nothing remains,

“…we might as well throw in the towel at once. We would have nothing left to oppose to either fanaticism from without or to nihilism from within – and, contrary to what many people seem to think, nihilism is the primary danger. We would belong to a dead civilization, or at least a dying one…Wealth has never sufficed to make a civilization, poverty, even less so. Civilizations require culture, imagination, enthusiasm and creativity, and none of these things come without courage, work and effort.” Without these necessities, “Good night…the Western world has decided to replace faith with somnolence.” (pp. 28-29)

In no one has the Nihilist “revelation” been more clearly expressed than in Nietzsche. In its earliest occurrence in Nietzsche’s writing’s it is the “ecstatic” utterance of a possessed madman: “God is dead,” thus, Western civilization must die as well:

God is dead in the hearts of modern man: this is what the “death of God” means, and it is as true of the atheists and Satanists who rejoice in the fact, as it is of the unsophisticated multitudes in whom the sense of the spiritual reality has simply disappeared. Man has lost faith in God and in the Divine Truth that once sustained him; the apostasy to worldliness that has characterized the modern age since its beginning becomes, in Nietzsche, conscious of itself and finds words to express itself. “God is dead”: that is to say, “we have lost our faith in God”; “there is no truth”: that is to say, “we have become uncertain of everything divine and absolute.” (Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose)

The Death of God in the Heart of Sponville 

Pointing upward, Sponville admits the transcendent Triune God really is “up there” in the third heaven, and that in his younger years he had believed in the supernatural God of Revelation and been raised a Christian. Up till around the age of eighteen he believed his faith was powerful. But then he embraced Darwinism and quickly fell away. 

My falling away said Sponville, was liberating because for the liberated autonomous ‘self’ whose life no longer has any ultimate meaning or purpose there was no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wanted to do, or why his friends should not live in the way they find most advantageous to themselves.

But the systemic lies, amorality, and perverse license–the nihilism Sponville rejoices in—becomes an unbearable source of horror and dread when reproduced in millions of souls. 

Sponville is right to fear the spread of nihilism, for when multiplied by millions it means there is no longer an ultimate, transcendent source of unchanging truth and moral law independent of sinful men. 

Nihilists From the Void 

Already Luciferian Globalists and their ruling class managers are free to be evil.  They are free to destroy the West and America; free to pervert the meaning of words and laws; free to unleash predators upon helpless citizens; free to plunder tax-payers so as to enrich themselves and purchase an amoral voting constituency consisting of empowered, envy-fueled and privileged ‘special rights’ groups.   And absolutely free to agitate, ignite, and weaponize fires of sulphuric hatred, violence, and murder in the souls of their ‘privileged’ supporters and then unleash the hounds of hell upon all who stand between them and whatever they covet.

Nihilism is the evil in the souls of Globalists and both W. European elitists and American elitists.  This was also the condition in the souls of the Marquis de Sade, Karl Marx and the Sophist Callicles. In Plato’s ‘Georgias’ Callicles who declared:

“The fact is this: luxury and licentiousness and liberty, if they have the support of force, are virtue and happiness and the rest of these embellishments – the unnatural covenants of mankind – are all mere stuff and nonsense.” (Making Gay Okay, Reilly, pp. 31-32)

In other words, with a consensus of lies backed by force and the threat of violence, the Revelation of God, the orthodox Christian faith, virtue, immutable truth, traditional one man one women marriage, man as God’s image bearer, his children,  his wealth,  home,  business, and  Constitutional rights become whatever nihilists of violence and the hounds of hell in back of them want them to be or not to be from one moment to the next, as was the case in the 20th century’s two monstrous criminal regimes, Hitler’s Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union.   

The Death of God and Genocide 

In the Soviet Union, the Triune God-and-human hating nihilist of violence, Vladimir Lenin, exulted,

“Darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species bear no relation to oneanother (and) that they were created by God, and hence immutable.” (Fatal Fruit, Tom DeRosa, p. 9)

The ‘death’ of the God of Revelation allowed unfettered violence against millions of people because they were no longer the immutable image-bearers of the Triune God but rather expendable products of evolution on a par with slime, weeds, slugs and rocks. 

Empowered by nihilism and evolutionary scientism, Lenin exercised godlike power over life and death. He saw himself as, “the master of the knowledge of the evolution of social species.”

Fueled by satanically inflated pride, hate, contempt and murderous rage it was Lenin who “decided who should disappear by virtue of having been condemned to the dustbin of history.”From the moment Lenin made the “scientific” decision that the bourgeoisie represented a stage of humanity that evolution had surpassed, “its liquidation as a class and the liquidation of the individuals who actually or supposedly belonged to it could be justified.” (The Black Book of Communism, p. 752)

In Nazi Germany the death of God, nihilism and evolutionary scientism resulted in gas chambers, ovens, and the liquidation of eleven million “useless eaters” and other undesirables.

Alain Brossat draws the following conclusions about the two regimes of nihilism, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, and the ties that bind them:

“The ‘liquidation’ of the Muscovite executioners, a close relative of the ‘treatment’ carried out by Nazi assassins, is a linguistic microcosm of an irreparable mental and cultural catastrophe that was in full view on the Soviet Stage. The value of human life collapsed, and thinking in categories replaced ethical thought…In the discourse and practice of the Nazi exterminators, the animalization of Other…was closely linked to the ideology of race. It was conceived in the implacably hierarchical racial terms of “subhumans” and “supermen”…but in Moscow in 1937, what mattered…was the total animalization of the Other, so that a policy under which absolutely anything was possible could come into practice.” (Black Book of Communism, p. 751)

Darwinism in company with other nihilistic ideologies such as pagan materialism, multiculturalism, unity in diversity, and Queer Theory, have virtually displaced America’s founding Christian worldview with the result that evolutionary materialism is now the operative assumption for much of our government, culture, politics, and law.  Its various spin-offs, such as multiple races of men based on skin color and sexual ‘orientation,’ identity politics, queer politics, Critical Race Theory, and social justice, have even entered into the Southern Baptist and Reformed Presbyterian church.

Nihilists from the void see America’s Christian understanding of one created human race and man as a person because created in the image of the One God in three Persons as hateful obstacles to the goal of becoming autonomous, that is, free from all constraints. They want the Triune God out of the public and private squares so as to replace the Christian understanding of man with a materialist construct, a meaningless aggregate of matter called Sociological Man.

Sociological Man and Identity Politics

the closer man stands to ruin, the duller grows his realization (for) the annihilation of spiritual being precedes the destruction of temple walls.” (The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H. Nash, pp. 30-33)

Sociological Man is a dehumanized construct of society.  Sociological Man’s fluid identity is invented by man through social interaction.  What this means is that Sociological Man is a self-creating, autonomous, aggregate of matter in process of evolution who is free to remake himself and his identity (ie, male as female or dog) by remaking society, which is a much larger aggregate of matter.  In this way of thinking, if there is a god it is Sociological Man who creates Him, not the reverse.  Thus, Sociological Man is god.  

All of this mystical new pagan materialist animism is an ideological power trip administered by evil Ruling Principalities, who through wicked men, crucified Jesus Christ.  In our own age they use ideology, pagan materialism, and Darwinism to separate man from his Creator, thereby making all things possible—no matter how evil:

Many students…find sociology liberating, a way to justify abandoning God, family, conventional morality, and any authority but their own.  Thus, sociology, animated almost entirely by atheist humanism, has been the tip of the spear in the debunking of religion and religious faith.”   (The Ideology at the Root of Our Moral Disorder, Clifford Staples, New Oxford Review, Dec. 2019)

The apocalyptic cosmic hurricane destroying the West and America is the death of God that has unleashed destructive forces of nihilism in the souls of millions of Westerners and Americans.   For nihilists, life has no higher, fixed meaning or purpose with neither hope of an afterlife nor any accountability to their Maker for their actions here in this world.  Thus, they no longer have reason and purpose for being good, so are free to be evil.

If Western and American nihilists continue to set the God of Revelation aside in favor of “autonomous self” and what they really do know are lies and empty, shallow, meaningless evil, then a tyranny of evil will come upon us swiftly and terribly as it did in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.   

But there is another path before them: the narrow way of repentance, truth, decency and God’s Grace and mercy.

2022@Linda Kimball

2 thoughts on “Nihilism: The Apocalyptic Cosmic Hurricane Destroying America”

  1. If it be the case that the above nihilists acknowledge no truth but their own truth and are thus not only a law unto themselves but also their “god”, then I’d say their plight is worse than that of the wild, untamed savages who inhabited the Americas before the Christian settlers arrived to civilize them. At least they worshipped some form of a Great Spirit who was apart from themselves, but these nihilist lunkheads can’t even see that far beyond their own noses.
    Western civilization only exists because Christianity is the civilizing force. Without Christianity there is nothing left to call civilized, only brutalized savages and barbarians. The Soviets and Nazis were exactly that, and these nihilist newcomers are no different: a law unto themselves.

  2. Notice: My comment above was blocked by that infernal “Not Acceptable” page which had been absent for some time. To post it, I had to change my VPN address from Dallas to a city in Florida. Now this one is being blocked too so I’m changing it again.

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