World Health Organization’s Coup d’ État for Global Takeover Exposed in Simple Terms

Texans Jack & Dodie , Clever Journeys, 6/24

Why did Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt recently sign a bill exempting the state from World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations mandates?

Bill 426 went into effect immediately and made it illegal for the World Economic Forum (WEF) and any of its operatives to push their globalist agenda in Oklahoma.

This comes as many countries have recently refused to participate in the “Pandemic Treaty.”

“The Biden Administration has proven ready and willing to accept mandates proposed by these non-elected global organizations that would severely limit the personal liberties of all Oklahomans and Americans,” Rep. Rick West said. “I’m glad the majority of our legislative members stood together and said no to this intrusion.”

The WHO coup d’état plan exposes the New World Order’s (NWO) intent for an unelected  group of power mongerers who who intend to control Earth’s future.


The WHO’s final draft of their proposed “Pandemic Agreement” was scheduled to be due in May 2024 at the 77th World Health Assembly.

They failed that deadline. 

Mainstream media, if they mention it all, does not report how this group of power hungry elitists are attempting to make certain the world will be placed into the hands of unelected, unaccountable and largely unknown bureaucrats. 

They are actively (not only attempting to control elections, but are) working to take over countries through their negotiations of international agreements—none that  reflect the will of the people of the world.

The WHO is aggressively pursing biological weapons research, regardless of whether it is referred to as vaccine research, gain-of-function research, dual use research of concern, or by any other name.

“The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. We the People have suffered a stunning defeat. The battle continues,” James Roguski, author, researcher, activist, and natural health advocate revealed recently.

They plan to “facilitate an enormous global build-up of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex which seeks to trigger ongoing ‘pandemic emergencies’ that will be made even worse by ‘relevant health products’,” Roguski added.

Former Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann, (who lost the presidential Republican nomination to NWO favored Mitt Romney in 2012) has  closely followed the negotiating process at the WHO World Health Assembly.

“The bottom line is the WHO changes from a global advisory-only body to an international enforcer of its mandates,” she warned.

In December 2023 the WHO produced a report  that set the stage for radical changes meant to enforce on all the citizens of the world to make gene therapy (mRNA) the key technology in the fight against infectious diseases, cancer, and combat any resistance to such technologies.

● External pressure on countries is being ramped up with an intent to have their selected politicians in place. 

● There is much at stake, hundreds of billions in profit per pandemic if covid-19 is a guide. 

● Countries with major Pharma interests, along with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, have much at stake.

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World Health Organization’s Coup d’ État for Global Takover Exposed in Simple Terms

1 thought on “World Health Organization’s Coup d’ État for Global Takeover Exposed in Simple Terms”

  1. Yes, it’s become apparent that the WHO is no longer content to serve in an advisory capacity. Now they want dictatorial functions, probably egged on to supplement those of the WEF and the UN. They will not allow anything such as individual freedoms or the will of the people to get in their way.
    Anyway, we already know that mRNA gene therapy’s side effects are much deadlier than what it’s purported to prevent. It’s actually a bio-weapon used to cripple or kill entire populations. That should be enough to bring them all up on criminal charges for promoting its use.

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