Open borders and Woke policies have allowed Chinese of ill-will, murderers, Jihadists, rapists, gangs, and other bad actors to come unhindered into our homeland. While SA gangs have been taking over communities out West militant Islamists are raising their flag over Dearborn. Their eyes of conquest are looking toward other vulnerable American communities to conquer.
It is not inconceivable that Islamists will invade Silicon Valley. This raises the question–who will Silicon Valley tech emperors like Elon and Vivek cry out to for help, to rescue them? Their H1B immigrant workers? Definitely not. They will cry out for the only people capable of vanquishing Islamists: white racist MAGA voters including everyone else of whatever skin color willing to do what is necessary to throw down Islamists and take back our country.
It’s right here that we can clearly see that the minds of Silicon Valley emperors do not operate within reality but on Enlightenment materialism, and Darwinian and Marxist insanity. Their minds don’t work right so they can’t think straight because they exist within an empty fantasy world that they mistake for reality.
You’re quite right. Their business acumen has never included the acumen to recognize threats to our way of life … or to theirs.
H1B visa holders are aliens who cannot be trusted to adhere to our Constitution, which is what this is all about.
It’s not about being racial, it’s about confronting alien threats to the Constitution and to our American Way of life. The cultural Commies of course want to supplant our Constitutional freedoms with their “social justice” DEI programs. And the Muslims want to supplant our Constitution with their hellish deranged totalitarianism. Neither one promotes our freedoms, they cancel them. Both of them are foreign, domestic, and dangerous threats, a clear and present danger to the USA which should be dealt with by any means necessary.
I’m adding that the acumen of H1B visa holders is just business acumen, which is why they can’t be trusted to uphold the Constitution if and when the need arises.
What I’m saying is that H1B visa holders are unlikely to be among those who put America first. They’ll likely be cutting deals with the CCP because that’s just good business for them.
I have Google’s CEO in mind for this, who I think is an H1B visa holder, but I may be wrong.
Nevertheless, that guy is a wokester.