Why Paganism is Prevailing Over America’s Christian Heritage

Many Christian observers of the West have noted for quite some time now that we are seeing a real reversal. The paganism of two millennia ago was basically wiped out by the spread of Christianity. Sure, it took some centuries to happen, but it took place nonetheless. However, the West is now quickly reverting back to what was the norm twenty centuries ago. There is no question that we have moved from being a Christian West, to a post-Christian West, and now an anti-Christian or pagan West. While Christianity is thriving and growing in much of the non-Western world, here in the West it seems to be on its last legs. (Bill Muehlenberg, Review of Pagan America: The Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come)

The battle for the Genesis account—the Bible’s book of beginnings– is the war we lost long ago because most churches did not engage the battle.   They sat it out while anti-creation evolution (also transformation)—the ancient anti-creation account from ancient times (Babylon) not only prevailed throughout the West and America, but is now openly celebrated while the Genesis account is demonized.  

If the Genesis account is just myth, poetry, or the superstition of ancient goat herders then the rest of the Bible is as well. On the other hand if ‘scientific’ Darwinism is really how all things began, it is only logical that paganism is overtaking our nation.  

At bottom, all paganism is occult. The occult is the kingdom of Satan, fallen Powers, and demons. Evolution is the ‘creative’ energy known from ancient times as serpent power. Now we know ‘who’ is winning…momentarily.


1 thought on “Why Paganism is Prevailing Over America’s Christian Heritage”

  1. It strains credulity to see amongst us those who adamantly insist on doing their own wills before God’s Will. The philosopher, I forget his name, who said, ” I think, therefore I am” could have completed that thought more accurately with, “I think, therefore I am, my own god”.
    Satan and his fallen angels were the first to think that; the fallen humans are the next.

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