Why Materialist Darwinism Falls Into the Mystical Rather Than Empirical Category

Over on GAB a Darwinist has taken offense to my description of Darwinism as mystical. It is mystical and even occult but this understanding is only arrived at through the study of worldview and the unfolding of the layers of meaning contained within ideas.

What follows is my rebuttal:

Materialism is “a theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality and that all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter.”  Merriam Webster Dictionary Online

Darwinism is philosophical materialism and as a theory of fundamental reality deifies the void, chaos, nothingness, energy field, waters, or abyss (Genesis 1:2; Revelation 9:1-12; 17:8; 20:1,3) as first cause of all things. It is the Void of absolute nothingness from which emanate evolutionary energies that work upon matter to produce life.  But nothingness produces nothing since it has no Ultimate Source for life, conscious life, inner being, and truth.  

Though mysticism is mainly thought of as becoming one with the Absolute it also means any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness.  However, it also refers to attainment of insight into ultimate or hidden truths within the unseen dimension of reality (also known as occultism) and to human transformation or evolution supported by this hidden (occult) knowledge, rituals, and practices.

So we see that Darwinism not only refutes itself but falls within the category of mystical rather than empirical. As science it is not empirical but occult science bespeaking the transformation or evolution of life into seaweed, to fish, to reptile, to ape, to human.


1 thought on “Why Materialist Darwinism Falls Into the Mystical Rather Than Empirical Category”

  1. Very true. The evolutionists created imaginary dots which science can’t verify and linked them together to create a false view of reality they called Darwinism.
    There are no “missing links” and never were because they never existed. Darwinism is pure hubris, a sordid attempt to deny the reality of God’s existence, a reality which has been affirmed by many in ancient history who couldn’t know Him until He revealed Himself by His Own Word in His Own Book, the Bible.
    I’d say that a false view of reality which denies the existence of God can only come from God’s original adversary Lucifer, later known as Satan, who wars against Him and His Creation: a creation which includes Man. Satan wars against man specifically because he envies and detests that God elected to place Man higher than the angels in heaven. Satan wants fallen men, not saved ones, to deny them that.

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