Why Ideas Have Consequences

Two antithetical worldviews have been clashing throughout the West and America since the end of WWII. One of them is the West’s and America’s founding Christian worldview—the foundation of Western and American civilization. This worldview says man possesses unalienable rights from the personal Creator who made all humans in His spiritual image. 

The other is evolutionary pagan materialism, the evil worldview of ancient times disguised now as science and enlightenment. This worldview dehumanizes man by reducing him to an evolved ape or matter in motion. So if this is true we have no unalienable rights. This is the worldview overtaking the West and America and snuffing out the God-given rights of man.

Both worldviews are outwardly expressed in terms of rights and politics such as freedom of speech (the First Amendment). Freedom of speech is predicated upon the God who created all humans in His spiritual image and gave them minds to think with and words to express their thoughts.

However, what God has given the worldview of evolutionary materialism has been taking away.

Today’s pastors for the most part, do not think in terms of worldview, therefore avoid politics to the detriment of their congregation and all Americans .

Ideas have consequences and worldview ideas confer great consequences—for good or evil. 

Pastors—please learn the fundamentals of worldview., and like clergy of the founding generation, impart them to your congregation.” 


1 thought on “Why Ideas Have Consequences”

  1. I agree. Not just pastors but also their congregations need to relearn which ideas are permanent and of lasting value, such as American ideals, and which ideas are transient, impermanent and of no lasring value, such as materialistic Leftist ones.
    We must aim higher; redistributing the wealth, unearned, just won’t cut it.

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