When Envy Requires that You No Longer Exist

In 2021, Coca Cola forced employees to take a mandatory course on LinkedIn to learn how to be “less white.” The course suggested that to be white is to be arrogant, defensive, ignorant, and oppressive. It also claimed that in the West, white children are socialized “to feel that they are inherently superior,” and that “one-time workshops” on racism are not enough, claiming that people must be regularly indoctrinated by “anti-racism.” (Coca Cola Forces Employees To Take ‘White Fragility’ Author’s Course On How To Be Less White, Jack Hadfield, National File)

A mere three years later, it no longer suffices that people with white skin are to be less than who they are but now they should not exist at all:

The University of Nottingham is removing the term “Anglo Saxon” from its courses as part of a broader effort to “decolonize the curriculum.” 

Professors at the university have renamed the master’s program in Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies to “Viking and Early Medieval English Studies,” a change critics argue erases, not only an important aspect of English heritage, but “English” as an ethnic identity.    “Ethnic Erasure”: University Scraps Term “Anglo-Saxon” in an Effort to “Decolonise the Curriculum”

But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!   Matthew 6:23.   

The soul of the wicked desires evil; his neighbor finds no mercy in his eyes.   Proverbs 21:10

When ‘who’ we are is held to be offensive, and we are required to be ‘less’ than who we are, but now, we should not exist at all, we are up against the diabolically proud spirit of hatred, jealousy, covetousness, envy, and murder, that serpentine and sadistic evil eye – the dehumanizer, destroyer of good reputations,  and thief of spiritual and physical goods that receives sadistic pleasure from the dehumanization, loss of identity, loss of property, degradation, and other suffering imposed upon the object of its malignant envy.  

 When the envious find they can no longer bear the existence of the object of their envy only one course of action remains: total erasure, even murder, as was the case when the envy-bitten Cain murdered his brother.

Back when the church was responsible for defining good and evil, most people knew their envy, if they suffered from it,  was not to be expressed publicly.   It was to be kept to themselves and never acted upon.   But now that the godless state defines good and evil, envy is no longer a sin but the sign of victimization—of an oppressed group (ethic identity) victimized by a group of oppressors—the  arrogant white ethnicity for whom being less than who they are is no longer enough.   Now they must be made to disappear.

The revolutionary politics of progressivism, leftism, and globalism are pride, covetousness, jealousy, hatred, and envy in disguise. Redistribution of wealth, depopulation, taking our normal food away and replacing it with bugs, oppressor vs the oppressed, racism, homophobia, critical race theory, and queer theory are examples of envy, sadism, and vengeance disguised as politics publicly proclaimed as liberation that is really sadism and vengeance..


4 thoughts on “When Envy Requires that You No Longer Exist”

  1. You’re completely right Linda. Every nationality has its racists, but thankfully not that many of them.
    This is another Leftist fraud aimed at scapegoating a social class, a white voting bloc, of society which collectively wields enough power that the Left Wing power brokers feel obliged to cancel it so as to seize that power for themselves.
    Their racial divisions are patently phony, Marxist, and un-American. This reverse racism needs to be recognized as being Communist inspired.
    And of course recognizing Communism itself as being Satanically inspired: doing evil while calling “good”.

  2. BTW, whatever happened to their Darwinian “survival of the fittest”? Have they discarded that in favor of an equally absurd notion that there can be no winners or losers in their grand scheme of “equity”, that no one is allowed to excel, that no empires can be allowed to compete with their own offing Globalist one?
    This raises a host of questions which they will not address.. because they’re the superior ones who don’t need correction?

    1. because they’re the superior ones who don’t need correction?

      Or because by turning away from their Creator they’ve reduced themselves to clever apes.

      1. Speaking of apes, that worldview called evolution needs to scrapped and thrown away. There is ample and irrefutible evidence that apes or any other living thing do not ever transform into another species. Nature doesn’t work that way, species only reproduce their own kind. There is no connection whatsoever between apes and man Evolution has been nothing but a clever hoax designed by those seeking to replace a supernatural Creation with a phony natural one. Sorry, but nature can’t create or evolve anything, it only supports already existing life.
        it’s so odd that scientists are supposed to stand ready to disprove their own results but they won’t do that with proven fake evolution. It instead becomes an article of faith for them.

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