What Is Technocracy? A Scientific Dictatorship Nightmare!

Luke Goodwin, Warfoo, via Technocracy News, 10/25/24

“If technocracy wins this battle and they implement it on a global basis, it will again take hundreds of years before the concept of freedom and liberty will resurface again. It will take a very long time; it won’t just come snapping back, it will not be a fade. Once they get control over the economic mechanism, they will virtually have control over life itself. They will make people of the world dance like puppets on a string.” ⁃ Patrick Wood, TN Editor.

This is a very important question. I think about it daily as the meteoric rise of scientism creates a new materialistic priest class, in whom you must put your faith and devotion.

What is Technocracy?

A scientific dictatorship, enabled by full-scale surveillance, in which an elite class of scientists and engineers manages every facet of life. Technocrats are “persons who exercise power by virtue of their technical knowledge.”

Technocracy is the Brave New World in Aldous Huxley’s 1932 novel, which was more a “I just got out of a meeting and here’s how it’s going down,” memo rather than a cautionary tale.

In this presentation about COVID-19, Dr. Lee Merritt, influenced by  Patrick Wood’s writings on technocracy, shared the etymology:

Techn = skillKrat = kratos (divine personification of power)

She summed up technocracy:  Data gathered on everybody in the world and fed to un-elected officials, who are smarter than everybody, and will use the information to create amazing solutions. It boils down to “power via differential knowledge,” meaning if you have knowledge that only a select few have, you can lord it over the majority of people.

The Internet and Total Surveillance

Once the possibility of a total surveillance state materialized with the inception of the Internet, technocracy became the crown jewel in the Cabal’s totalitarian New World Order agenda.

The timeline is speeding up. Their dreams of ruling the world are veering toward a terrifying reality with artificial intelligence, propaganda in everybody’s pocket, and a bazillion data points on every man, woman, and child on Earth.

Patrick Wood, the OG of technocracy research, said once we reach a scientific dictatorship society … “liberty will be a historic curiosity.”

In order to achieve this goal, the technocrats developed mass surveillance, which has only been possible in the modern age with the Internet. This is their time to act.

  • Smart meters on houses monitor how much energy you consume.
  • Credit card transactions track consumer behavior and move people away from hard currency.
  • Social media fills out the dossier with beliefs, names of friends and family, images, and much more.
  • The Affordable Care Act digitizes your medical history.
  • Smart gadgets—Fitbit, Oura Ring, etc.—pass all of your vital stats to central repositories.
  • Smartphones track where you are, what you’re doing (they can listen in), and what information you’re consuming and entertainment you are consuming.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) adds more daily data. What’s in your fridge? What do you watch on TV? And even more nefarious, there are credible reports detailing how they can watch us through our TVs.
  • Facial recognition software and cameras monitor every square inch of public space.
  • Virtual assistants like Alexa monitor your every word and train people to be useless (“please machine, turn on that light … I cannot do it myself”).
  • Public school jams cultural Marxism down the throat of every child, while Common Core collects 400 pieces of data on every child, which is on their record for life.

Coming Soon

  • QR codes. Digital ID passes. Chips injected under the skin. There’s even speculation that some of the COVID vaccines include nano particles that can self-assemble in your body to create tracking circuitry in your body. I’m not making this up. No proof you’re clean, no travel. This scannable chip will have all your data. COVID is a ruse to inject you. This chip will carry your money and your reputation, and will be scannable at any checkpoint. You better think, speak, and act right, or your social credit score tanks, and you have no access to your money.
  • 5G towers popping up everywhere sold as enhanced speed for your gadgets and 24/7 connection to the grid no matter where you are. This will produce more social media dopamine fiends. And, enhance surveillance capabilities with faster networks and ubiquitous data sources.
  • You think space is about the moon and Mars? Think again. They’re covering our upper atmosphere with satellites for more surveillance, and weapons delivery systems.

We are entering the Truman Show writ large. Your whole life recorded. The big hurdle will be managing all the data, but breakthroughs in quantum computing will help them sift through information at a record pace.

You may be cool with this now, because you have nothing to hide. God help you if you’re a free thinker. Or decide, in the future, that you don’t agree with the demands of your technological overlords.

They’ll find out you’re a subversive because you had a friend over for tea, breaking permanent social distancing laws. Or in the shower, you mumbled something disparaging about the only available food: pre-packaged, processed, terrible tasting MREs.

We are racing right into this nightmare. It will not be a utopia. We will be in digital prisons receiving universal basic income for subsistence living, and daily delivery of vegan kibble. We will own nothing. It will be the shared economy for us (who gets to ride the bicycle today?), while the Oligarchs continue to entertain themselves with yacht and jet excursions between stays in their multiple mansions.

But, if our emboldened ruling class calls their shot in a video over soothing music and smiling images, it’s no big deal. The future is bright.


These evil sociopaths want full control. It doesn’t take much imagination to see where this might go wrong. Add their fixation on overpopulation and you have a witches’ brew of terror.

In their books they write about lessening the burden on Mother Earth. If the Georgia Guidestones are an accurate indicator, these self-appointed rulers of humanity think 500 million is the perfect world population to maintain harmonious balance with nature. Sounds so idyllic. But wait, what’s going to happen to the surplus 7+ billion people?

They’re depopulating gradually by …

  • Discouraging young people from having children with sustainability propaganda and financial hardship.
  • Opiate drug proliferation.
  • Stealth sterilization.
  • Toxic vaccination programs.
  • GMO frankenfoods and fluoridated water.
  • Perpetual conflicts and occasional hot wars.

Scientism is Basis of Technocracy

Science has become the new religion. There is no truth outside of empiricism.

Supernatural truths and the Christian Bible are outright rejected.

Charles Darwin was one of the first major figures to push scientism into mainstream thinking. His theories of evolution and survival of the fittest fall right in line with the new dogma.

There is no creator. Life is an accident. Those that have means to survive should pass on their genes, while everybody else should die off, thus creating a smarter and more robust populace.

The connection to eugenics and bioethics is obvious. This philosophy justifies killing millions as “just the way the world works.” It’s natural.

The 1900s, and its massive toll of senseless deaths from ideological wars and starvation campaigns, are testament to the power of this nihilistic approach.

“Scientism is very much a religion. The god is science. The priesthood is scientists and engineers.” – Patrick Wood

We’re seeing the power of science worship now, as brave souls, who stand up against vaccination, climate change propaganda, GMOs, and COVID lockdowns, are dismissed as low IQ deniers.

The science is settled and you have no right to question it. Our scientific overlords have deemed it so.

This was decades, even centuries in the making. Technocracy is the fruition of the scientific revolution. The endgame is now.

More Moves Toward Global Tyranny

To gain control of the world and implement technocracy the Elite must have absolute control. They use a variety of means to do so.

The Great Reset: where you won’t own anything and you’ll love it. The revelation of this wonderful plan is courtesy of the World Economic Forum headed by Bond villain Klaus Schwab.

Cryptocurrency: all of your assets, money, and transaction records will be on the blockchain. If you get out of line they’ll cut off access. Jury is still out if existing crypto coins like Bitcoin are part of the plan, or if the entire decentralized currency movement will be co-opted.

“Sir. Sir. We only accept Totalitarian Coin here.”

One-World Religion: Create tension among the religions. Get them to fight. Show the world that religions are terrible because all they do is fight and create wars. Offer a better solution: The one-love Far Eastern amalgam religion. Add a dash of mysticism, occultism, and New Age woo woo, and you have the recipe for a one-world religion.

Fr. Seraphim Rose saw it coming and wrote about it in Orthodoxy & The Religion of the Future, which Jay Dyer analyzes here.

Monied interests have funded ecumenical movements to water down the Christian religion and make it pliant to the Elite’s will.

Steven Rockefeller pushed the green movement into the interfaith circles as well. Now, all the major church denominations have gone green and warn against global warming.

The World Council of Churches is a tool of the Elite.

Soon the only legal churches will be those that preach the gospel of social justice and sustainable development, and burst into guitar sing-alongs of Imagine on Zoom calls. You will participate from your government-mandated housing pod.

But, if that doesn’t suit you, please participate in a Cabal-approved worldview of your choice: Atheism, Luciferianism, or Scientism. Or even start your own wacky cult, espousing alien messiahs, Panspermia, or sacramental past life trauma clearing. Whatever works! As long as it isn’t traditional Christianity, which is too intolerant and insistent on ultimate truth.

Mass Unemployment: we’re moving in this direction as small businesses crash in record numbers because of the COVID-19 plandemic. People will either die, work for Amazon, or receive a subsistence living handout. You’ll live in a meager pod eating vegan nuggets. Your only excitement will be VR goggle adventures on your couch.

Health By Injection: if you want to qualify for your 60-minute weekly outdoor pass, you better have all your shots on record. Vaccines are the only path to true health in this technocratic world. They won’t let you out with the rest of the population if you’re a walking bio-hazard. Have you heard about DNA population screening technologies like CommonPass?

Resource Control: real wealth is control of tangible resources like gold, lumber, fuel, and wood. Wealthy capitalists (the Global Elite) are on board with ending the current monetary system as soon as they’ve monopolized natural resources.



1 thought on “What Is Technocracy? A Scientific Dictatorship Nightmare!”

  1. I’d like to know where Nature gets its godlike power to be able to naturally “select” anything? I mean, if it isn’t random events like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tempests are, how can nature “choose” what survives and what goes extinct? Doesn’t natural “selection” infer that Nature has its own intelligence? So where is it, or what is it? Is there an immaterial god of forces directing Nature’s natural forces, one who can “select” what happens? They’ll say no, there’s no God, just forces acting, not arbitrarily like dice rolling, but like dice repeatedly rolling sevens or snake eyes.
    Sorry, but neither Narure nor dice roll that way; that’s superstition or myth.
    Guess what? They no longer care if evolution works as advertised or not because they’ve designated themselves and their scientistic process as the new selectors who will replace natural selection. They’re sure their Brave New World will work after they work out a few kinks, kinks such developing the processes that will subject all human beings to the directives of their Global Government. Said government will answer to no one other than to those who built it.

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