Video: New World Order – Tal Brooke

CE Evans, July 2011

Tal Brooke, Author of the 100,000 copy bestseller ‘When The World Will Be As One’ re-released as ‘One World’. Son of an American diplomat, Tal grew up in the upper echelon of liberal society and knows too well the dangers of the upper class power structures. One of the first apologists to explain to the masses about the dangers of the globalist elite, in this 4 part video Tal explains what is going on with our economy and global affairs in an effort to open the eyes of the masses. Using movies such as ‘The Matrix’, ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ and ‘They Live’, Tal gives insight to the viewer on what is happening today in the world and why the world seems to be falling apart. Tal’s message, ‘knowledge is power’, you can’t know how to make things right if you don’t know why they are happening and who is doing it.

1 thought on “Video: New World Order – Tal Brooke”

  1. This brings to mind the following thought: that whenever men of good will construct something worthwhile that serves everyone, the Devil then sends men of evil wills, whom he corrupted, to deconstruct it to serve themselves only and to disserve all the rest. The French had their ungodly French revolution, Czar Nicholas II had his evil monk Rasputin, and now we have a One World clique seeking to serve themselves and disserve all the rest, apparently under the Devil’s auspices again. As before, lies are their primary weapon.

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