1 thought on “Video: Karl Marx Meets the Devil: A Conversation with Historian Paul Kengor”

  1. Karl Marx wasn’t the only one to have congress with the Devil; there was a much earlier one who did that named Mohammed.
    Mohammed was a land pirate who claimed to be a messenger of Allah and a prophet due to his conversations with a supernatural being he called Gabriel, the Archangel, who had given him messages from Allah to pass on to others. Mohammed was known to have physical fits which likely contributed to his delusions. If Mohammed had tested his apparition he would have discovered that Satan was the messenger, not Gabriel. There was no Truth in Mohammed’s words, just his own delusions of grandeur prompted by Satan.
    He becamea public figure whose alleged words were later written down as holy writ even though no one ever questioned whether he was actually holy enough to be a messenger and prophet of Allah. Actually, no one would dare do that since he commanded a sizeable force of plunderers and pillagers who could destroy anyone who would question his status as prophet. He never even performed any miracles.
    This was enforced evil, just like Karl Marx’s was.

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