Video: Is It Immoral to Deport Millions of People From the US?…This is Really Good

Wretched-Fortis Institute, 11/24

Is it IMMORAL to deport millions of people from the US? Join Todd Friel as he discusses Trump’s plans to deport 11 million illegal immigrants, and shares his perspective on it as a Bible-believing Christian. Wretched TV and Radio are hosted by Todd Friel. On the show, you will see and hear live witnessing encounters, discussions of tough theological issues, and Christian commentary on current events. We might even make you laugh.

2 thoughts on “Video: Is It Immoral to Deport Millions of People From the US?…This is Really Good”

  1. From a legal standpoint, I don’t think we Americans are obligated to accept the presence of trespassers who willfully and knowingly violated our border laws. They did so knowing that the border laws were being poorly and deliberately unenforced by a rogue U.S. administration which put America last in this instance. There were many other instances of that.
    It appears that George Soros was the one who started it all by financing, and perhaps organizing, the earliest caravans. Then the Biden administration joined that action by inviting them to cross, probably for the same Globalist reasons as Soros’s, which were a total disregard for American national sovereignty.
    As for the humanitarian aspects, yes it’s tragic that they were sold a bill of goods. Many probably send money back to their relatives, probably to finance their border crossings.
    We can’t have people who’s only interest for being here is to get money and whose allegiance is not to America but to their home countries.
    Frankly, I don’t trust that their intentions for coming here are honest and honorable. I think they’re here to loot and pillage from the kindness of their benefactors.
    So, how are the blue states doing with them, to further discuss the point?

  2. we don’t really have the same problem in New Zealand being at the bottom of the world. However we are still inundated by mass immigration from cultures which do not jell well with our own. Also we have globalist refugee quotas we must meet or exceed. Generally though most people who come here seeking a better life are similar to me in terms of the aspirations and hopes and dreams they have for their family.
    Where this falls down however is globalist laws around citizenship. Where I would consider it prudent to deport any foreign born resident or citizen that commits a crime (residency or citizenship are the categories we have here), of course this breaches their human rights……….for example in New Zealand we have a lot of very successful migrants from the Indian sub continent who will enslave or exploit their compatriots. An obvious law which would act as a deterrent to this foul criminality would be to be automatically expelled from our country with a cancelled residency or citizenship. This of course will never happen and this migrant exploitation happens over and over again.

    I’m also a firm believer in a one strike you’re out policy for refugees. So for any serious crime say (not a speeding ticket) the refugee should be kicked out. This can be softened by allowing another refugee an opportunity, but the same rule applies.
    There is however no fear of the law anymore as the limp wristed globalist laws pervade our society

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