(Video) Are Aliens Demons? Evidence for a Spiritual Interpretation of Alien Contact – Guy Malone

Alien Resistance

Our mission is to provide orthodox biblical perspectives on the modern UFO and “alien” phenomenon, exposing proven deceptions, and equipping the church to minister truth and freedom to those currently deceived by experiences and/or strongholds related to now-popular belief systems of aliens actively visiting humanity.

Alien Resistance offers evidences that the widely-reported “alien abduction” phenomenon — while sadly quite real — is in fact a powerfully deceptive spiritual experience. Our research suggests that individuals are not being held captive by authentic biological extra terrestrial beings, but that this belief is rooted in vast levels of occult teaching and outright deception.

We feature personal and testimonial proof that the “alien abduction” experience can be stopped — both while in progress and completely terminated as a life pattern — in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ (view testimonies from those who have successfully stopped abductions permanently, and contact us to know more about being set free from the influence of these tormenting entities).

2 thoughts on “(Video) Are Aliens Demons? Evidence for a Spiritual Interpretation of Alien Contact – Guy Malone”

  1. Seen objectively, these are no different from other often-seen ghostly apparitions but with the added deceptive inducement to appear as extraterrestrial manifestations. The key is to induce belief in life from other planets which were not created by God but which “evolved” independently by another means.
    It’s a grand spiritual hoax which establishes that life, even alien life. can evolve naturally and independently rather being created by a supernatural Creator.
    It shows how the acceptance of materialist scientistic hoaxes like evolution can lead to accepting other hoaxes, even spiritual ones like aliens.

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